Waking Up

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I started to come to and once again I was in the hospital. I didn't know how long I was out, but I glanced over and saw Steve was sleep in the chair next to my bed. My hand was in his. My eyes hurt worse than before. They were bloodshot. By the way Steve was laying, I must have been out for a couple of days. I accidentally flinched and it woke him up. He groans, rubs his eyes.


He said smiling.

I just smiled weakly.

He put his hand on my forehead and leaned down to kiss me. His kiss was something I couldn't describe. We kissed for a while then we heard the door to the room open and he pulled away. It was Kono.

"Hey. How are you feeling?"

I struggled with my tangled words.

"Like everything hurts. It sucks. I can't get out of this bed until at least two or three months because of my legs. Right now, my body is being restored back to normal."

Steve chuckles a little which always made me feel better. I loved his laugh. Chin walks in with a giant pot of Hawaiian Hibiscus flowers of many colors. They immediately freshened the room up.

"These are for you."

Chin said, placing the flowers down on the table beside me.

"Thank you Chin. I love them."

"Oh, I have something for you too. I have to go out to the truck and get it."

Steve said smiling and getting up. He had white cargo pants on with a mixed light and dark blue shirt. I watched him leave the room. It was still dark. Chin walked over and opened the curtains and I saw a beautiful scene of waves and Palm trees.

"Steve wanted for you to see the ocean instead of cars and people all the time. He said he knows what it feels like to be bored watching moving cars and people. Every minute and every hour. Watching the ocean calms the mind and soul. At least for me it does."

Chin opened the sliding window, letting the breeze from the ocean blow through. It felt amazing. The sounds of the waves crashing over and over on shore was music to my ears. I could fall asleep listening to it.

"Did he tell you two what he was going to get?"

"No. I don't even know. All I know that today is your birthday."

I was shocked. My birthday wasn't until a week and 4 days from now which was March the 10.

"Yesterday was only February the 28th. I was out for a week and four days?"

Chin nodded. Steve came back into the room with a giant stuffed animal tiger and a big bag.

"Happy birthday Cath."

He said handing me the tiger and the bag. I opened the bag and immediately saw a pair of Steve's light tan cargo pants, a black v-neck shirt and a gray button up shirt. I smiled in surprise. I didn't know what to say. This was way better then going out and buying clothes like his so instead he gave me some of his clothes. I thought it was cute. He leaned down and kissed me again.

"Happy birthday big Kahuna."

Kono said, while Danny came in with a box. It was a cake.

"Wait a minute, your birthday is on my birthday?"

Steve smiled and nodded.

"I got lucky with you didn't I?"

"I guess so."

Danny handed Steve the cake. He opened it and smiled. It was a cake shaped and looked like his gun. He stuck his finger in the icing and put it in his mouth.

"Buttercream. Buttercream's my favorite."

"Mine too."

He glanced at me and have me a smirk. I don't know what he was up to. He stuck his finger back down in the icing and I sat up and licked it from his finger. It was good buttercream. They brought some paper plates, plastic spoons and forks and sat it at the edge of my bed.

"Oh, wait. I forgot something."

Danny said leaving the room quickly.

Steve, Chin, Kono and I began eating cake. Danny came back with a big box of pizza and came back with a little cooler as well. Samantha, Grover and Mary Ann walked in the room after Danny.

"Happy birthday you two!"

They all said at the same time. Steve and I just laughed.

"I'm Captain Lou Grover of SWAT and this is my daughter Samantha. McGarrett wouldn't stop babbling on about you."

Samantha was a little shy.

"I think we are going to need more chairs."

I said as Steve slid in beside me on the bed.

"Already on it."

Danny said, taking Chin with him. They came back with six chairs. Mary came over and hugged me then Steve.

"I heard what happened. I'm so sorry Catherine."

I looked down then Steve put his arm around my shoulder.

"Thanks Mary."

"Well we couldn't celebrate you two's birthday anywhere else. So, why not bring it here?"

Grover said getting two pieces of cake for him and Samantha.

Time passed as we were having a good time. I started to fall asleep on Steve's shoulder. I drifted off and through the night I felt him in the bed with me. His arm around me and my head on his chest. The perfect moment.

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