June 20th Can't Come Fast Enough

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Luca's POV

Friday, June 13th

I did it... I actually did it!

I survived an entire year of school!

Today's the last day, and honestly, I'm not very happy about it. Everybody is cheering and celebrating, but not me. I'm really going to miss this place. I mean, I learned so much here. I learned about math, and land history, and sciencey things. I even learned how to hold a pencil and write down words.

But there is one thing I am looking forward to, and that's going back to my hometown, Portorosso. As much as I love Genova, I really miss my family. And Alberto. We've sent each other letters, and have called each other on this thing called a rotary phone, but it isn't the same as actually seeing him. And that's what I will be doing next week. As soon as I step off the train, I'm going to give him a huge, ginormous hug, whether he likes it or not. And I bet he will, because he's been a lot happier ever since Massimo adopted him. I hope Machi has been nice to him too. I wonder if

Suddenly, a hand slams my journal closed. I barely have enough time to move my hand away.

"Stop writing in that stupid journal, silly!" Giulia says, reaching over and snatching it from me. Even with the chatter of kids around us, her voice still stands out. "It's our last day of school; you don't have to use it anymore!"

I roll my eyes with a huff, and grab it back. "I know that, duh. I just wanted to, you know, say my goodbyes." I open it back up and start chewing my eraser.

She giggles. "You are such a dork!" She hops off the desk she was sitting on, tugs her hat down at the sides, and gives me another teasing smirk. "I'll see you at the playground, Luca!"

And she's out of the classroom.

I look around. Actually, everyone is out of the classroom but me. And signora Florentino, my science teacher. As I watch her put some folders in a box and shove it under her desk, I realize she's no longer my teacher... and I get sad. She is the sweetest, kindest teacher ever. She even let me name the class goldfish. But maybe that was because I'm also a fish. Either way, she loves me. I'm her favorite student. (I named it Friend, by the way.)

I almost let my mind wander into sadness, but then I open my journal back up.

Okay, well, this has been fun, but I have to stop writing now. I'll miss you.

Finally, I close it and start packing up. I'd been so lost in thought while writing that I hadn't put anything back in my satchel.

"Even on the last day, you're the very last one to leave," signora Florentino says when I head for the door. Turning to her, I smile sheepishly.

"Well, you know me."

How could I ever leave so eagerly? This is everything I've ever dreamed of: learning about the world and everything in it.

Signora Florentino gets up out of her chair. At first I think she's going to hug me, but she hesitates. Maybe she's going to miss me—all of us—like I will for her. She has always cared about her students, after all. Always making us feel at home. And I can tell that she's sad.

We're both staring at each other, wanting to say something.

But instead of saying something, I just run up and hug her. She embraces me, squeezing me a little. "Luca, tesoro, I will miss you so much," she whispers.

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