It Feels Like Life

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One hour later

Massimo has one more big surprise planned for us. He says it's an event we'll all enjoy. So, Alberto and Giulia spend the car ride guessing what it might be. I'd join in, but I'm too busy thinking about what happened earlier. Actually, I'm thinking about everything that's happened today. The hand kiss, the sweet conversation in the grass, the beanbag thing, the "I love you" that I wish was said to me. Now that those moments have passed, though, I can think about this whole situation more clearly. I don't want to be confused. Even if Alberto doesn't like me, I'd rather know for sure than get my hopes up. But just like I said earlier, he gives me just enough hope to keep wishing.

This is all stuff I want to write in my journal. In fact, I'll probably get blisters on my hand from writing ten pages of it. But as much as I want to dig the journal out of my backpack, I don't want to risk one of them noticing and getting curious.

So I use my mind as my journal for the time being. I lie back in the seat, close my eyes, and do what I do best: I daydream.

And I'm able to do that for a little while, until the car stops and Alberto shakes my arm.


I open my eyes slowly. Already I can hear voices outside. I look up at the sky. It's completely pitch black now, and full of stars. The moon looks like it's in its waxing crescent stage, so it's not illuminating the sky very much. But there's definitely light coming from somewhere.

That's when I realize where all the noise is coming from. Just from the car window, I can see there are about a few hundred people here. They sound like they're laughing, chatting, and singing... all while they're dancing to music I can just barely hear.

"Kids," Massimo says, turning off the car. "Welcome to the Avellino Music Festival."

Our jaws drop in awe.

We all quickly get out of the car, my eyes never leaving the amazing sight. Already I feel so excited. I can't even imagine how Alberto feels.

All the cars are parked on the grass, including ours. A lot of the festival is on the grass too. But through the crowds of people, I can see a stage nearby. The stage is not too big, and it has a white cloth roof over it. I also see some guys with instruments setting up near the corner of it.

All three of us are too shocked to do much else but stare. I don't think Giulia's ever been to one, and I know Alberto hasn't been to one. This is a new experience for each of us.

We pass people sitting in the backs of their trucks, or sitting on blankets laid out on the ground. I see a lot of people eating fruit pieces on a stick, but some people have other snacks.

"This isn't a typical concert," Massimo tells us while we walk. "Sometimes they'll play popular songs on the record player, and other times bands will come up and play either their own songs or more popular ones."

Alberto is bouncing with excitement. "Can we walk faster?" he asks hopefully, turning around to look at Massimo.

"Ragazzo, calmati. They're not even playing a song right now," he says. Even though that's barely noticeable due to all the chatting and laughing.

I look around at all the people. A lot of them are sitting in chairs, and I see more people on blankets. But most of them are standing. Over on a hill in the distance, I can see a few people throwing a funny-looking plate at each other through the air. I can't imagine how that's safe.

"I seriously hope they play Beatles," Alberto says to himself. Then he starts humming what I believe is the song he listened to.

"Your parents should be here soon, Luca," Massimo says to me. They took a bus here too, since we don't have room in the car. "I know how Daniela is, so until they get here, you're free to walk around by yourselves. However—," he holds up a finger, "—you have to be completely aware of your surroundings. Don't talk to strangers unless I'm nearby. You all understand?"

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