I Love You

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Alberto's POV

Monday, October 16th

I know I'm supposed to be writing down notes, and listening to my teacher, but I can't stop thinking about Alberto. He's been on my mind so much lately.


Thursday, January 2nd

I just talked to Alberto on the phone for the first time. He was telling me all about his plans for the new year. He said his number one plan is to give me the biggest hug in the history of biggest hugs.

When he said that, I smiled so big that my face hurt. I wish I could have told him that I would rather kiss him. But maybe I should keep that to myself for now.

I can kiss him in my mind while I wait.

This isn't....

Friday, January 17th

I had a dream last night that Alberto and I were on the island again. And as soon as the sun set, he kissed me on the lips and told me I was his favorite person in the world.

It felt so real, and I could actually feel the kiss and how soft his lips were.

I've been smiling all day. Please, universo, let that happen in real life this summer.

This... this can't be real....

Friday, March whatever

You know, I really don't get the human world. What's so bad about me liking Alberto the way I do? Why do people find that sort of thing so gross and wrong?

I've been upset over it all week. But you know what? Even if I can't be who I am around others, I can still write in here about him. I know he'll never read it.


Saturday, July 5th

The road trip was like a dream come true. Alberto kissed my hand. We danced together. And I put my head on his shoulder at the bookstore, and he LET ME!! I would write everything in extreme detail, but that would take up the last few pages of my book, and I'm not ready to finish it yet.

Alberto, if things were different, I would ask you to be my boyfriend right away. Hopefully times will change soon.

I love you always.

I stare at the words, but I can't process them. They can't be real. I'm hallucinating.

Suddenly I drop the journal. The sound of it hitting the floor brings me back to reality.

Luca... he... he likes me, too?

I put my hands on my face and stare at the floor, taking quick breaths to try and calm myself down. I stand there for a little bit, trying to make sense of everything that just happened.

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