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"So you don't think she doesn't look good?" asked Wanda as Loki looked at her, he got up, walked up to me, circled me like some type of vulture, "dude, the fuck? Why are you circling me? What were you a vulture or something in a past life?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows, "she looks fat..." he spoke looking at me and crossing his arms. I stared at him in disbelief, in the few weeks I've been here, he's never outright insulted me like that. "Like a cow" he added as tears threatened my eyes, I just nodded, turned, and went back to my room. 

~Loki's pov~

I stared at her as I saw tears in her eyes, 'oh gods what have I done?! You know she's self-conscious about her weight you bloody bastard!' I mentally yelled at myself, 'and what's worse...you made her cry' I mentally sighed as I watched her turn and walk off. "We get that you two don't get along...but that was too far Loki," Natasha told me as I blinked a few times, "whatever" I snarled as I grabbed my books and went to walk off. Tony stopped me, "you're going to go upstairs and apologize to her" he spoke as I furrowed my eyebrows. "Make me" I simply said. The next thing I know, I'm being thrown through the wall, I groaned as I flipped my hair back, Tony came up in his suit, "gonna do it now?" he asked as I panted and sighed. 

~Your pov~

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~Your pov~

I got back to my room, removed the dress, put my clothes back on, and then stared out the window. I really wanted to sneak out and do something just to take my mind off what Loki had said. I walked up to my window, and there was a knock on my door. I sighed, walked over to my door, opened it, saw Loki, and slammed the door in his face. "You can kindly fuck right off Laufeyson" I spoke putting my back against the door. "I'm sorry..." he said as I froze slightly, "I know how you are about your weight...I don't know why I said that," he spoke as I remained quiet. He grew quiet, I knew he was thinking about something, "that dress really does look nice on you..." he spoke, then there was silence, I opened my door slightly and saw he was gone. I didn't leave my room for the rest of the day, however, I had to talk to my father about something so I had to leave my room. I wondered through the compound looking for my father, "FRIDAY is dad still in the compound?" I asked, "of course Miss. Sky. He is in the Tech Lab" she spoke as I smiled. I walked into the Tech Lab and saw he was sitting at his desk drinking some coffee, "all right..." he spoke to himself as a hologram of an Iron Man repulsion gauntlet appeared, "hey dad!" I shouted as he jumped. "Jesus" he spoke as he placed his hand on his chest, "nope, just me...watcha doing?" I asked as I walked over and sat down no a table. "I am working on a new suit for someone, I'm hoping to get it done before her birthday," he told me as I cocked my head.

"Can...I help?" I asked as he stared at me, "sure, I mean...I don't mind" he shrugged, I smiled and watched as he put his hand on the hologram, "FRIDAY we need it to fit a woman" he spoke, "very well Mr. Stark" FRIDAY spoke "here, Sky see if it would be able to fit you" he spoke as he walked over, "just put your hand through the hologram and it'll act as though it's on you" he told me as I nodded, I did as he told me and watched as he fixed itself to fit on my hand. 

~Time skip~

I wiped away the sweat on my brow as we stood back and looked at the new suit. "Ta-da!" he spoke as I chuckled slightly, he hadn't even registered that I had been calling him dad since we started working on the suit. "Awesome work dad" I smiled as he looked over and smiled at me. "We did pretty great work," he said as I chuckled a little, he then checked his watch, "Hey, go take a shower, and then put on that green dress, I'm throwing a party tonight," he told me as I nodded and ran out. 

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