The park

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Drakens pov

After that event, we've been hanging out almost every day
We hung out so often that it got to the point where we were now comfortable going to each others homes

Anyways, today has been such a slow paced Saturday
I'm bored out of my mind

Maybe I should call Mikey
I wonder what he's up to?

The phone rang for a bit until he finally picked up
"Hi Kenchin!"
I could feel a small smile spread across my face when I heard his enthusiastic voice

"Hey, are you free today?" I asked
"Nope! I'm reaaaaal expensive, so you better have a lot of cash on you" he giggled to himself

"of course you are. Anyways you wanna go to the park? I'm kinda bored" I invited him
"Yeah, can we go to the one near my house? I'm way too lazy to ride my bike, plus I heard there would be a small market tonight" explaned Mikey

"Sure, see you at the same spot in front of the tall maple tree?"
"Of course! See you there Kenchin~" he then hung up

Narrators pov

Draken hopped on his bike and rode through the busy town
Passing by various tall buildings until he finally saw some greenery in the foreground

He waited at the spot that they had agreed on when he saw a small blonde figure sprinting towards him "Hey! Over here" Mikey shouted as he ran up to his best friend

"Hey, you notice anything different?" Draken asked smirking while brushing down his new leather jacket
"Oh, So you finally decide to wear something other than those boring black and white patterned coats?" Mikey poked fun at him

"You say that as if you haven't stolen like, two of them already" sighed draken
"I didn't steal them, I borrowed them" exclaimed Mikey

"Yeah, for like a month, and you haven't even returned them yet. What do you even do with them anyways?" Draken joked

"I like the way it feels when I wear them..... they kinda remind me of you" the smaller one admitted whispering the last part to himself making sure it wasn't audible to his friend

"If you like them that much you could have just asked me for it, idiot" chuckled the taller male in reply

"Pshh enough about those stupid jackets already, I'm hungry" complained Mikey trying to change the subject
"How in the world are you always hungry?" questioned Draken

"I don't know, fast metabolism I guess?" The boy shrugged
"Whatever, lets go get something to eat,"

The both of them hung out together until the sun was long gone from the sky
And everyone else had probably either gone home or are packing up on their way back

Leaving only the two of the best friends sitting by the river bank under the stary night sky exchanging deep thoughts and their perspectives on life

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