Chapter 1, The realization

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It all started with him, Ben Shapiro, the conservative commentator and the destroyer of the "transgender ideology." But little did they know that Ben was about to figure out something crucial to his very being.

Samantha Lux, a trans youtuber who makes commentary videos about politics, being trans etc etc, was in his recommended. He glanced at her video to see it was going viral with over 230 million views! The title stated "How I figured out I was trans" And it was about our amazing queens transition, mentally and physically. 'Ha,' Ben thought, 'I can't wait to talk about this and destroy this man pretending to be a woman!' So he clicked on that very video....

As he watched this video, he went through an emotional roller coaster. Never before had he felt so recognized. It was relatable in such a way that made his stomach churn, that made his blood boil. He started watching more videos, trying to say that they disgusted him, and what he was actually feeling was in no shape or form relatable. "No, I can't be one of them!" Ben yelled over dramatically. "I just can't-" and before he could think another thought, his phone rang. It was his sister. He picked up the phone reluctantly.

"Hey Abby-,"

"Ben, did you hear? Harry Styles wore LONG FANCY CLOTH! I can't BELIEVE something so ATROCIOUS could ever happen! No man in history has ever worn a dress before, especially back in the day where men wore dresses ALL THE TIME, because that never happened because I say so!" Abby blabbered.

"What are you talking about? You're going to need to slow down a bit." Ben replied. He got another sharp, gut wrenching feeling. Harry Styles wasn't the first man to wear a dress, in fact it was him, Ben Shapiro. Starting at a young age, Ben would experiment with different clothes that his mother wore. At one point, when he was 19, he would even had considered himself a drag queen, until that one night....

One night when he was 19, he went out to "The club ™" and he... well there is no better way to say it, but he hooked up with another man while in drag. Apparently, trans people NEVER EVER IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD tell the person they are hooking up with that they are trans, if it is necessary, so like the stereotype goes, as they were taking off their clothes, he saw that the man he was hooking up with had a very small penis. As he looked a little longer, he realized that that was not a penis at all. In his rage, he swore never to do drag again and to make trans people's lives a living hell.

End of flashback

"Yep, you heard it here first, A PENIS GUY DUDE looked PRETTY, and only VAGINA LADY WOMANS are supposed to be PRETTY!" Abby continued.

"Uhhh, yes, I agree," Ben said, not really focusing on the conversation.

"Well I need to go have sex with my PENIS DUDE GUY HUSBAND PENIS, and the only real point of me calling you was so you could have flashbacks and take a deeper look at your sexuality and gender because never in my LIFE have I seen someone so closeted before. Gosh diddly darn, you're so far into the closet and are experiencing so much internalized homophobia and transphobia, that you're basically in Narnia! Anyways, I don't know that you're trans or like dudes, so goodbye BROTHER PENIS DUDE!" And Abby hung up.

Ben Shapiro held his phone for a while. Staring at a black screen for way longer than what was normal. This is just how his sister is, for gods sake, she got mad when Mr. Potato head changed there name to Potato head, so their brand was more gender neutral!

"God, what am I going to do? I can't be trans, I have a reputation on the line! I can't be-" He looked up at his screen. "Like her- I MEAN HIM, HE'S A DUDE, DEFINITELY NOT A WOMAN RIGHT THERE !" Ben wrongfully said about our queen, Mrs. Lux.

Ben contemplated his life for a few hours, before knowing exactly what to do. He'd just find a way to cure the gay! So he looked it up and found "Thursday Plurbonym-Boyporridge's sexuality and gender counseling" The website said that it would help you find your "true self in the path of god."

"Ah, this is it, exactly what I need to cure the g a y inside of me!" Ben shouted. Tomorrow, he would go there and all of his problems would be solved, it was like a dream come true!

That night, he had the strangest dream. A weird worm like creature crawled up his body, looked into his eyes and said "Look into my eyes for three minutes to become gay," And the whole dream was Ben running away from this creature. Strangely, he felt this calmness around it, despite being terrifying it would turn him g a y. When Ben woke up, he realized how ridiculous that dream was, but something seemed intriguing about it.

That morning, he looked at directions to "Thursday Plurbonym-Boyporridge's sexuality and gender counseling," And his destination was a house. Ok, he wasn't expecting that, but maybe they run a business in their home. He went up and knocked. He heard some rustling and who opened the door was a 5,8 tumblr gremlin- I mean woman. She had pitch black hair, cut to look exactly like Lord Farquaad's hair. She wore a light green blanket around herself, covering everything but her face.

"Did you read the no solicitors sign?" This gremlin asked, clearly ready to descend far away from society to become one with the cryptids.

"Hello ma'am, I heard this was the residence of Thursday Plurbonym-Boyporridge's sexuality and gender counseling?" Ben asked, clearly scared of the woman in front of him, for she was clearly more powerful on every scale possible and he feared that if he said something wrong, she would yeet him to china.

The woman looked at him, sort of confused, before saying "I like your shoelaces."

Ben looked down, "But these are crocs."
"Oh god, you poor tortured soul! Gurl Gruel, take this poor person to Thursday, they really need him." And what came slithering out was a very LONG worm like creature. It reminded him of his dream, except this wasn't like the one in his dream. The creature in his dream was shorter, was black and had a yellow stomach and had no arms, but THIS one was extremely furry, and was black with a blue and pink/purplish stomach and had four arms.

"This is my child Gurl Gruel, she's a long furby and will be taking you to see Thursday." The gremlin woman said before retreating into her cave like home.

"Wait, do you mean furbies as in the toys from the early 2000's-" Ben said before being interrupted

"This way Mx," The long furby said with a rich southern accent, as they wandered through the long and narrow tunnel like hallways.

"Mx.?" Ben asked as they walked through the long and narrow hallways of this house.

"Yeah, it's the gender neutral version of Mrs and Mr," Gurl Gruel explained.

"Excuse you, but I am clearly a man- '' Ben said before Gurl Gruel opened a door to what was an open room, with a couch, a computer and a pillow in the dead center with candles around it. On that pillow, meditating, was the furby from his dream.

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