Chapter 2, Meeting God

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The long furby looked at Ben Shapiro knowingly, as if reading their mind. "Hello there friend, it's nice to see you again" The long, bodacious furby said in all of their glory. Ben was at a loss, his mind swimming with questions

"How did you... Who are you?" Ben questioned, he wasn't sure what he should ask first, and was very very confused.

"I am Tuesday Plurbonym-Boy Porridge, and I am god," Tuesday said, their voice hollow and echoey as they spoke.

"No, you're a puppet, and I'm leaving-" Ben spout, and as he turned around, he realized that the door was gone. A strange feeling came over Ben in that moment. Was he fearful? Angery? We'll have to find out on the next episode of Dragon Ball Z-

"So, Ben Shapiro is your name right? What are you doing here in my bodacious kingdom?" Tuesday continued calmly, but there was something smug about his voice too, like he knew things that Ben would never wish to learn. It wasn't snobby, but Tuesday seemed almost amused by this fool currently in his possession.

"What the hell, what's going on?!" Ben continued to mumble about facts over feelings as Tuesday teleported them to outer space.

"I told you, I am god, that's what's going on. And I don't recommend trying to break out of this room, for there is no oxygen in space, of course." Tuesday said as he demonically floated through the air, trying to attach himself to a wall.

"I have to be dreaming," Ben said, clutching his head. He was confused, and downright fearful of this demon that claimed to be god.

"No Ben, you are in fact awake as can be, and I'm sorry if I'm frightening you, I promise I will cause no harm to you, but I don't think there are that many ways to convince you that I am, infact, god. But, we should head back, my moms will be upset that I keep teleporting my room into space. It breaks all the wires and stuff, you know?" Tuesday rambled on, when suddenly there was a drop. They were falling to earth.

Back at StrangeAeons house:

"Gurl Gruel, where did you put my toothbrush? I swear to-" As Strange Aeon's girlfriend walked through her gremlin cave, she saw light where it wasn't supposed to be. She walked down the hallways and at where the hallway ended, where Tuesday's room was supposed to be was the outside world.

"Teya," Stange's girlfriend yelled "Tuesday's showing off again! His room is in space. Wait hold on, no I see it, he's coming back."

Back to space:

Ben screamed and cried, begging and praying to whatever deity he believes in to save him from the devil, Tuesday Plurbonym-Boy Porridge.

Tuesday on the other hand, looked excited, as if he was on a rollercoaster. They fell and fell, until the fall started to slow.

The room fell lightly, and landed on the ground with barely any noise at all, which surprised Ben greatly. He wasn't dead, and he was still in this room with Tuesday.

"Hold on, Ben definitely won't trust me after that, let me just-" He crawled onto Ben, with a lot of struggle, he touched his forehead, sucking out all of the memories from the last five minutes. Tuesday sat back on his pillow, and started talking to Ben again.

"Hello there sir, what do you need on this fine afternoon?" Tuesday asked politely. If Tuesday wanted through Ben Shapiro's thick skull, he would need to act like him.

Ben explained his situation (although not to the full extent of it) and the whole time was just rambling on. "That's quite the situation you have there Ben, but I think I can help you out." Tuesday slithered over to a couch, and on this couch, there was a small box. Ben didn't remember it being there when he first got there, nor did he recognize what Tuesday was taking out of the box. "Now Ben, I will tell you some news, and I'm not sure if you'll like them." Tuesday paused for a second

"Is there no way to cure me?" Ben asked somberly

"Ben Shapiro, you're straight. 100% without a doubt, straight. The straightest person I have ever met in fact. The only thing that you might find to be "problematic" Is the fact that you're straight, and like dudes. Do you know what I'm getting at Ben?" Before Ben could say anything, Tuesday interrupted "You're a girl Ben! Wow, I feel like I'm about to set the entire state of California on fire," Tuesday stated in a joking manner.

"No, you're supposed to help me. I didn't come here for you to say i'm a queer, I came here for you to cure me!" Ben shouted.

"Well, facts over feelings Ben. But before you go, I have someone for you to meet." Tuesday replied skillfully. It took no skill to say that actually, he's god, he can do whatever he wants.

Tuesday walked over to the couch, grabbed a box and pulled it out. Tuesday slithered back over to Ben, and carefully placed it on the table. When Tuesday opened the box, they heard rustling, before they saw it: Worms on strings. It was quite the sight, as they were squirming and lacing through each other, doing so for no apparent reason.

"What the frickity frack patty wack is that?" Ben shuttered, taking a step box from this truly terrifying sight.

"Now don't be afraid, they don't bite... unless I want them to BUT THAT'S BESIDES THE POINT!" Tuesday said before digging through the box. He seemed to be looking for something or someone. He pulled out a light blue worm on a string, before shaking his head and putting them back. Then he took out a red one, then a pink, until finally Tuesday suddenly yelled "Aha! There you are!" And he brought out an orange worm on a string.

"Tuesday, what is that? Why won't you answer my simple questions?" Ben continued to be confused as Tuesday put the worm on the table.

"Sup, I'm Gaybriel" The worm said cashley yet unexpectedly.

"What the fu-" Ben was about to say before being interrupted.

"Ben, this is Gaybriel. He will be staying with you for a while." Tuesday gently picked him up and put the worm into Ben's hands.

"No, I won't be doing any of this. I don't know what's going on, and you aren't explaining anything important!" Ben Shapiro yelled before throwing Gaybriel on the ground and storming out of the room.

"Wow, maybe I was a little bit too strong with my approach?" Tuesday looked over at Gaybriel, and Gaybriel just shrugged.


"Oooo, you're in trouble!" Gurl Gruel said sternly yet playfully.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2021 ⏰

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