I'm Back?

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*i'm sorry guys for the last episode I'm sure you can tell it was rushed. I was in a hurry. I promise I will try to make this episode better. It's my first story so it's not gonna be good but I just love writing soo... please no hate I know it's bad!*

Bangchan walked out the room like nothing happened. I just stood there confused. I could feel my whole face was red. I stood there gathering my thoughts then I quickly fixed up myself and walked out the door. I saw Cara watching the concert from the side. I ran up to her and watched as well.
"Where were you y/n??"
"I was...um waiting outside of bangchan's room"
"Oh well what took you so long?"
"I just wanted to stay there and I got a little lost."
"Oh" Cara said with a little giggle. She looked so happy watching the concert. I began looking for bangchan. There he was. Dancing. He's such a good dancer. I couldn't stop staring at him.

*time later*

The concert had ended and stray kids were leaving the stage. Cara went straight to Felix's direction leaving me alone. I saw bangchan walking towards his room. I quickly started following behind him. Once he reached his room he looked behind to see me standing a few feet behind him. He looked at me up and down like he was analyzing me. I looked at him nervous. I didn't know what to do. He raised his hand slightly and motioned his hand telling me to follow him. He then walked into his dressing room, I followed him. He sat down in the chair looking sweaty and tired, but omg he looked so hot. I stood at the door as it closed behind me. He began to laugh at my nervousness.
"What are you doing? Are you really that nervous to see me?" He laughed.
"Um, w-well you s-see" I stuttered too embarrassed to continue speaking. I don't know what happened I was so nervous. My cheeks became red and I felt my body going hot. I just started at him, he was a nice view. He span around in his chair.
"Come here"
"Yes sir" I replied and ran up to him
I looked down in embarrassment.
"It's fine just call me Chris" he giggled but gave me a warm smile.
"Ok, Chris" I spoke kinda more comfortable.
"I like the way you you say my name" he said teasingly.
"WE'RE LEAVING PACK UP" a staff shouted from outside.
"I need to go, help me"
"With what?"
"Well packing up, my staff will take care of packing up the things I just need you to help me get my clothes and take off my makeup if that's alright"
"Oh yea that's fine"
I begin to look for his clothes. I grab something from the rack that looks street wear appropriate. I gave it to him and he put it on. I then grabbed some makeup wipes and crouched and put my face close to his. I wiped all his makeup off. I looked closely at his face just in case I missed a few spots. He looked at me and put his hand on my face. I was shocked by the sudden movement. He then put his hand and I got up. He grabbed my hand and took me with him
"W-wait!" I said but he didn't listen he gripped my hand and just took me to a back entrance and to a van. Inside the van was the rest of stray kids. They looked at Chris confused.
"Who is this?" Asked lee know
"Yea who??" Seungmin followed up
The rest of stray kids began asking a lot of questions all taking at once.
"Guys, calm down. I'll explain later." He said and he picked me up slightly helping me inside the van. We all sat down in silence. I looked around at everyone the at Chris. I started at him for a while the go the ground. Everyone was looking at me and I felt uncomfortable and nervous. I could already feel my cheeks were red. The car suddenly stopped.
"We're home" spoke Chris
W he opened the doors and picked me up so I could get out. He told the driver to just leave but the bodyguards stayed. He grabbed my hand and guided me into the house. I was so confused and was still trying to process everything that happened.
"Hey! Chris EXPLAIN" said lee know.
      "FINE FINE, Introduce yourself"
He spoke to me.
"I'm..y/n l/n , nice to meet you" I said looking down to nervous to look at them.
That's when I began to explain everything that happened, backstage.

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