Im back...

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"Finally we're here! I'm so tireddd!!!" Spoke Han.
I'm here....again.....
"Hey y/n you okay??" Asked Bangchan
"Yea I'm good"
"what are you doing just standing there? Get inside!" Chris said while motioning me to come inside.
"Oh right!" I said while hurrying inside.
"You can go to the same room as last time. I have some comfortable clothes on your bed" Chris said with a smirk.
"Huh? How so fast??"
"Just go!" He nudged me playfully.
Was he expecting me to come back? I mean if he already had everything set up for me he must have! Oh well I shouldn't over think and I should just go to my room. I got into the room, changed and decided to go to Chris's room.
"Hey Chris?" I called out while knocking on his door, but his door swung open!
"Chris?" I asked while walking inside. I heard the shower running and expected him to be in the shower of course. I walked around his room looking at all his stuff. He had a random Deadpool mask and a poster of stray kids in his room. He had a cute picture of stray kids on his desk. I sat down on his desk chair inspecting the rest of the room on the chair. I then laid my head back on the chair and closed my eyes for a bit. I mean if I'm waiting for him might as well just relax. Time passes by but I'm too lazy to get up. Soon enough I tune out the sound around me and almost fall asleep. I feel something drip on my forehead. I immediately open my eyes to see Chris hovering over me. He stands there with just a smirk. I immediately get up and bow multiple times.
"I'm sorry I was waiting for you and I just-"
"Hey relax. It's ok"
I nervously chuckle not knowing what to do or say.
He then giggles.
"You're so cute."
My face goes extremely red. And I look down so he can't see my flushed face.
He starts to get closer to my face and lifts up my face with his hand. He looks deeply in my eyes then down to my lips. He backs up and looks me up and down. Then when I look at him up and down it comes to my realization that he's not wearing a shirt!! My face becomes even more red as I stare at his abs. He laughs.
"Nice view?"
My face gets even more flushed so I look to the side. I realize the door was closed even though I never closed its. He must have closed it while I was resting on his chair. My face started burning red. He then got closer to me and brought my face up to his. His face was so close to mine our noses started touching. He then crashed his soft lips onto mine. He slowly kissed me softly. I kissed him back slowly. He then moved his hands to my cheeks and started kissing me more passionately. We both pulled away from the kiss to breathe. He smirked then gave me a more passionate kiss but with this one he wouldn't stop. He picked me up while kissing me then threw me on his bed breaking our kiss. My face was extremely red I looked to the side breathing heavily. He walked over to the door and locked it. He dimmed the lights and came over to me. He crawled on top of me and moved my lips to his. He kissed me more the gave me little kisses all over my body. He took control. And I liked it. He pulled me in for another kiss this time he put his hands on my waist. He broke from the kiss.
"May I?" He asked
I nodded and he took of my shirt. He gave me another kiss. He began to give me a kiss on my neck creating a hickey. I let a moan slip my mouth. He stopped and looked at me with a smirk.
"Are you sure you wanna do this?" He asked
"Yes I'm sure" I said while pulling in for another kiss. As we kept kissing our clothes disappeared from our bodies. Moans escaped my mouth. I couldn't stay silent anymore. Our skin touched each other as we passionately gave in to each other through out the night.

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