So..last night

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The sun seeped through the curtains and kissed my skin. I woke up slowly looking around. I was in bed with Chris! We both were undressed. I remember last night of course I'm just a little shocked if happened. I looked over at Chris who had his arm on me. I slowly moved his arm away and got up and ran around the room grabbing my clothes and heading to the bathroom. I decided since he's sleep why not shower.  Mid way in my shower I heard Chris. He must have woken up! I should hurry up. I quickly washed the shampoo out my hair and put soap on. I quickly washed up but then I heard Chan walk into the bathroom. The shower was see through but there was a wall in front of the
Shower. I was trying to hurry up but then I felt a hand on my shoulder. I immediately blushed hard and didn't look behind me. But Chris just hugged me from behind. He kissed my shoulders up to my neck.
"Last night was fun" by the way he was talking I could tell he was smirking. He turned me around and hugged me.
"Y/n" I could feel his voice cracking up.
He looked up at me with tears eyes.

*I Know this chapter was really short just hang in with me ;-;*

*this book is really bad so I'm trying to end it quickly so if you can't notice im rushing it but thanks for reading anyway :)*

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