The Concert

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Bruh this story going nowhere so I'm just gonna try to finish quickly

A few days later

It was the weekend..already. I had my outfit ready all I had to do was get ready and go, but I was so nervous, why?
My phone rang loudly startling me. Cara was calling me.
"Hey are you ready yet? I'm on my way to your house"
"Um yea....about that...I'm still in bed"
"Ok ok I'm up!"
I end the call and go to the bathroom for a quick shower. I dry my hair and do my makeup and put on my outfit. I wore a black bra and a black net shirt on top and black shorts. I took my gold and white chain purse and wore ankle high lace up boots.  

I wore a long coat this time and said bye to my parents. Right when I got outside I took off my coat. I didn't want my parents to see what I was wearing.

"Hey y/n hurry up!"
"Yea yea I'm here"

A few hours later

We finally arrived at the place. It was bigger than the last place. We got front row tickets because of cara's parents.

During the concert

The concert was going on and I was just recording and cheering on. I kept looking at Chris. I couldn't get my eyes off him.

After the concert

The concert ended after a while and everyone was beginning to leave. Me and Cara stayed behind and found our way backstage after showing our tickets. We both looked for Chris everywhere and we finally found his dressing room.  I knocked on the door.
"Um..Chris? It's me."
"Who? Are you one of the staff members?"
"Um. No Chris it's me, y/n"
Chris came to the door and opened it seeing me and Cara.
"Who's this?" He said while pointing to Cara.
"She's my best friend"
"Yea I told you"
"So you told everyone about everything?"
"No i only told her and....not...everything..."
"What do you mean not to everything?" Cara asked
"Oh nothing. See I told you I wasn't lying now let's go!"
"No I wanna see Felix!!" Cara said.
"Felix? He's in the room 204" Chris said while chucking.
"THANKS!!"  Cara said while hurrying off.
"Well I'll just go then"
"Wait-" Chris said while grabbing my arm. I looked back at him and he pulled me in his dressing room
"You know, I couldn't stop thinking about you."
I stayed silent just staring at him
That's when he pinned me to the bed wall.
"Why won't you say anything?"
"It's just um...."
I didn't know what to say.
He let me go and went and grabbed himself some clothes off his rack. He wore normal street wear and grabbed his stuff.
"Well I'm leaving!"
I stayed silent just starting at him. He stopped and looked at me up and down and just started.
"Wearing something pretty revealing today. Was it for me?" He said with a smirk.
I but my lip and looked down not knowing what to say. He then grabbed my hand again and pulled me close to him.
"Come with me tonight" he said looking desperate
"But-" Chris put his finger on my mouth not letting me speak. He pulled me with him and made me follow him
I saw Cara standing staring at us. I looked back at her and she started to follow me.
"Where are you guys going?" She asked trying to keep up with Chris.
"Well she left something at my house so I'm taking her to get it. Don't worry she'll be back tomorrow"
" oh..." Cara said as she stopped walking. She walked away out of backstage.
Chris pulled me in closer to him. Hugging me. He took me into the stray kids truck and had me sit down with him.
"Chris?" Asked one of the members
"Just for one night calm down. Get to know her come on"
They all stayed silent looking at me. I looked at them and smiled. Hyunjin started laughing so hard. I looked clueless. Why's he laughing...
"I'm sorry" he said while covering his mouth.
Again...I was going to the house again....

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