the night it happened.

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The hot shower water fell on Cherrys back. Steam climbing up the bathroom walls leaving the mirror stained with moisture.  He just couldn't get Joe out of his mind and it was driving him crazy.  He leaned back on the shower wall letting out a sigh. As the thoughts of Joe continued to haunt him he felt his dick start to rise. His face reddened as he reached his hand down and started to jerk off, small moans leaving his mouth as thoughts of Joe doing this to him entered his mind. As he came closer and closer to his climax he started to moan Joe's name, not too loud but loud enough for Joe, who was sitting in the next room fixing his skateboard, to hear. Joe stood up from the floor where he was working and walked to the bathroom with a smirk on his face. 

He quietly opened the brown wooden door and peeked his head in, he saw cherry, with his head back, and his hand on his cock. The hot steam flowed out of the bathroom door as Joe stood there, waiting for Cherry to notice. "want some help?" Joe asked, now stepping into the bathroom and taking his top off.  Cherry was surprised by this and instantly stopped what he was doing. 

"Joe," He mumbled, his face beginning to become very red. 

"don't be shy princess," Joe said while looking cherry up and down. cherry looked at the ground, but when he heard Joe's belt buckle hit the tiled floor he looked up. 

Joe was standing in the middle of the bathroom naked, a smirk plastered on his face. Cherrys stomach had so many butterflies he thought he might fly away, he looked back to the floor. Joe got into the shower with Cherry and lifted his chin with his finger. Cherry and Joe gazed into each other's eyes before slowly bringing their lips together. 

Joe broke the kiss and started to suck on Cherrys neck until he found his sweet spot. Cherry let out small moans,  his dick now aching for Joe's touch. Joe smirked into cherry's neck as he now started kissing down his small body. 

"J-Joe, Please d-" cherry managed to say in between heated breaths. but it was too late, Joe had already reached his dick. Joe placed his mouth around Cherry's tip making circles around it with his tongue. Cherry grabbed a handful of Joe's hair his moans getting louder as Joe moved his head up and down. 

Cherry rolled his head back in pleasure. The pleasure was too much, Cherry could feel his climax coming closer and closer as Joe bobbed his head. Joe felt Cherry's dick twitch in his mouth. "Joe, I'm gonna- I'm gonna cum,"  

"hold it, princess," Joe said, his voice dominant. 

"I can't-" Cherry whimpered out. 

"I said hold it," Joe breathed out. Cherry couldn't hold it and Joe felt Cherry release into his mouth. He stood up swallowing.

"what did I say?" Joe said eyeing Cherry. 

"I'm sorry I just couldn't hold it," Cherry said eyeing the ground. 

"It's fine but next time you won't cum until I say, otherwise you will get punished, oh and, call me sir, ok?" Joe said as he brought Cherry's lips and his together. Joe broke the kiss and stepped out of the shower, grabbing a towel and wrapping it around his waist. "Meet me in the room in 5, ok princess?" Joe said as he opened the bathroom cupboard and grabbed a bottle of lube. 

"yes sir," Cherry said, his eyes widening. Joe opened the door and stepped out making sure to give Cherry a wink before he closed the door. 

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