the bed.

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Cherry lay there. Nothing but Joe's heavy breathing and his whines as he tried to loosen the ropes on his wrists filling the room. Cherry decided to stop struggling against the ropes, it was pointless, he was never going to get out unless Joe let him. Joe stood at the side of the bed, looking down at Cherry. He got on top of him. He kissed cherry's neck finding his sweet spot again and lightly sucking on it leaving a small hickey. Cherry let out small moans wanting more of Joe, and Joe was going to give him more.

"be as loud as you want princess, I want the whole neighborhood to hear your pretty little moans," Joe said while holding Cherry's jaw with his hand, making him look up at him. Cherry's eyes moved to the side of the room, not wanting to make eye contact with Joe. "Look at me when I talk to you," Joe said.

"make me," Cherry said, a bratty tone in his voice and now, also shifting his head to the side. Joes grip tightened on cherry's jaw,

"fine, I will," Joe said with a smirk. He turned Cherrys face towards his and passionately kissed him, slipping his tongue in and exploring Cherry's mouth. Cherry let out small whimpers, that basically called out that he wanted Joe inside him. Joe broke the kiss and whispered in Cherry's ear,

"you're so needy aren't you princess, maybe next time you will think about what you say before you say it, only good boys get what they want," Joe kissed down Cherry's body, making cherry want more and more with each kiss.

Cherry let out small moans as Joe got closer and closer to his member. "please, sir," Cherry moaned out, squirming on the bed, wanting to push Joe's head further down. "I'm sorry, I won't be bratty ever again, please," Joe couldn't help but give into Cherrys begging and went further down and placed his mouth on Cherrys hard member.

Cherrys breath hitched as Joe swirled his tongue around his tip. Joe bobbed his head up and down going faster and faster. Cherry lifted his legs up and placed them over Joe's shoulders, he wanted to grab Joe's hair and feel his head move up and down. "Joe I'm gonna-" but before he could even finish his sentence Joe took his mouth off of Cherrys member. Cherry could feel his climax start to slowly go away.

"aww what's wrong princess, were you about to cum," Joe said, a smirk plastered on his face. Cherry turned his face away from Joe. Joe removed Cherry's legs from his shoulders and stood up off the bed, "come on don't be like that princess, I was only showing you what would happen if you ever be a brat to me again," Joe said now grabbing the lube off the bedside table and covering his dick in it. Joe got back on top of Cherry and lined up with his hole. Cherry felt a hint of panic shoot through his veins, after all, he had never done this before.

As Joe entered him Cherry's breath hitched and he let out small painful whines. "Are you ok princess?" Joe asked, his voice had softened and his eyes had a hint of worry in them.

"I'm fine," Cherry said, trying to maintain a straight face and not show the pain.

"If it hurts too much and you need me to stop the safe word is lollipop, ok?" Joe said, his tone softening even more. Cherry looked up at him and nodded.

As Joe continued to thrust in and out of Cherry the pain that was once very noticeable, quickly started to fade and turn into pleasure, and what was once whines of pain became loud moans. "faster," Cherry called out, his wrists pulling on the ropes that bound him to the bed. Joe placed his mouth close to Cherry's ear.

"beg for it, I want to hear you begging for me to go faster,"

Cherry swallowed, what Joe had said sent chills down his spine. "please sir, faster,"

"Only because you asked so nicely," Joe said speeding up.

"fuck, it feels so good," Cherry managed to moan out in between heated breaths. "I'm gonna-" Cherrys said but before he could finish his sentence Joe cut him off. "cum?" Joe said cutting Cherry off. Cherry nodded knowing Joe was going to make him hold it, but he didn't. "cum for me princess," Joe whispered in his ear. As soon as Cherry heard those words he came, a loud moan escaping his mouth. Joe came a few seconds after. They both collapsed on the bed.

Joe untied Cherry, Cherry's wrists were purple from the ropes. "does it hurt?" Joe said, looking at the marks that had been left on Cherry's wrists. Cherry shook his head. Joe rolled Cherry over onto his side and spooned him. "Tomorrow I will buy you all the carbonara you want,"

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