the bedroom.

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Cherry stood in the shower his eyes still wide in shock at what he just saw. Was this really about to happen? He thought to himself. He turned the shower off, grabbing a spear towel from the bathroom cupboard. He dried his hair a bit then his body, finally wrapping it around his waist. He opened the bathroom door and saw Joe on the bed with his towel still wrapped around his waist. Joe looked up from his phone. 

"Hey princess," he said as he stood up, his towel falling from his waist. Cherry's face immediately flushed as he looked down at joes dick.  "eyes up here," Joe said giving Cherry a smirk. Cherry immediately lifted his head, his eyes meeting Joe's. 

Joe walked over to Cherry. undoing the towel that was placed around Cherry's waist when he got to him. "Your turn now," he said grabbing Cherry's waist and pushing down on it a little, indicating for him to get onto his knees. Cherry did as Joe said and got onto his knees. He was now faced with Joe's cock. 

Cherry knew what happened next, and before Joe could say anything else, Cherry had his dick in his mouth and was bobbing his head up and down, making sure to stop at the tip and swirl his tongue around it every so often. Joe put his head back in pleasure, groans occasionally leaving his mouth. 

Cherry felt a twitch in his mouth then he felt Joe release along with a loud groan. Cherry swallowed as he stood up. Joe put his hands around Cherry's waist, putting his mouth next to his ear and whispering, 

"jump for me princess,"  Cherry did as he was told, jumping into Joe's arms. Joe grabbed him before he could hit the floor again. Joe leaned his head closer to Cherry's ear and whispered. "good boy," he walked Cherry to the bed laying him on his back. Joe reached under the bed bringing a small black box onto the bed. 

He opened the lid revealing ropes, toys, and other things. He grabbed 2 pieces of rope, around the same length, and tied each one to Cherry's wrists, then attached them to the bed frame. Cherry layed on the bed his heart racing knowing that Joe was going to make sure he couldn't walk tomorrow.

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