getting ready

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 Joe, half-naked, walked to over to cherry. "You ready to get beaten peacock?" He said with a smirk on his face.

"Me, lose to you? No I think it's you whose gonna get beaten," cherry replied with a cocky tone in his voice.

"Is that so?" Joe said moving closer to Cherry making a bright blush cover his face. Joe studied Cherry, his eyes stopping just below his waist. Cherry, who was only in his boxers, covered himself. "Don't be shy peacock, I saw everything last night," Joe said licking his bottom lip.
The tension in the room was growing more and more as they made eye contact. Their lips so close to each other. The door shot open with a thud as it hit the wall.
Joe quickly reached inside Cherry's bag and pulled out his robe for the tournament.

"See I told you, you just never look properly," Joe said with nervousness in his voice. Cherry stood looking at Joe as he walked back to his bag put his top on and left, leaving Cherry with the very rushed-looking contestant on the other side of the room.

'is he embarrassed?' cherry thought to himself, his heart falling a little. Cherry looked at his watch, 5 minutes until the tournament. Cherry quickly got dressed, put his shoes on and rushed out the door. He found Joe, Riki, and Langa waiting for him.

"Took ya long enough!" Riki smiled at Cherry as he approached them. Joe gave him a small smile as they headed towards the stadium, but Cherry ignored him leaving his heart feeling a little heavier.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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