The rink.

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The next day Cherry woke up with Joe sleeping peacefully at his side. He got out of bed trying his best not to wake Joe, but his efforts failed him because the next thing Cherry knew Joe had his arms around his waist and was pulling him back into the bed.

Joe lifted himself so he was resting on his arm, his mouth near Cherry's ear. "How was last night?" Joe asked in his deep morning voice. Cherry's breath hitched as he remembered the pleasure from the night before, craving it again.

Cherry simply nodded his head, his cheeks heating up. "Come, let's go back to bed, it's too early,"

"The tournament starts in an hour," Cherry replied, lifting himself off the bed and out of Joe's grip.

"Ughhh," Joe complained as he fell back, the soft bed catching him. "Why does it have to be today,"

                                                                   CHERRY'S POV
Joe kept complaining about the tournament and how he was going to beat everyone there as we got ready. I got my skateboard ready and so did Joe, we locked the door to the hotel we were staying at and left.

Once we reached the stadium where they were holding the tournament, I looked around in awe, it was much bigger than the ones at home, I knew there would be lots of people but not this much.

A small wave of anxiety washed over me.

"Not scared are you, peacock?" Joe said eyeing me over his shoulder, "after all you are the best skater Okinawa, but only after me of course," he said with a light chuckle.

I rolled my eyes focusing on the competition in front of me. "JOE, CHERRY!" I heard a voice yell from behind us. We turned to see Langa and Riki jogging over to us with their skateboards.

"Hey guys," Joe said, giving them a hard hit on the shoulder.  I gave each of them a warm smile. "let's go get ready the tournament starts in half an hour, and we still have to practice," 

We all made our way to the changing room. The room was big, the left wall was lined with cubicles, and on the right, there were hooks and stands for skateboards and bags. at the back of the room, there were toilets.  Langa and Riki were the first to get changed. "we'll meet you out there!" they called as they left the room.

Now it was just me and Joe. 

Authors note ~
Guys I'm so sorry for not posting but more chapters will be posted soon!

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