Chapter Three: Ready, Set Go!

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"Samuel Colton!!" I screamed out his full name. The boy had stole my make-up kit (Not that I use it) he took my colorful socks and my laptop! Now those are some good items. Chasing him around the house until he finally stopped outside in the back where the rest are. They had one cooler filled with sodas and three go karts. Skeptical I looked at each of them "What are you guys doing?"

Brook waved her hand's "What does it look like Sherlock, we're about to race"

Riley ran her hand's down her thin leg's applying lotion "Time to pick your teams guys"

"I'm not playing!" I admitted, I have some studying to do. Princeton is my main dream and I'm not going to pass that up just to race.

"Oh yes you are, if you want your stuff back" Sam blackmailed me. That boy will lick my toes! ha-ha why did I just say that? But Sam will pay!

"Fine!" I huffed. Matt had jogged over to me "Hey, teamate!" he gave me a five "Ready to crush these idiots?"

I couldn't help but smile "You bet!" I roared causing him to laugh. Sam and Brook had partnered up which left Riley with Jacob. This should be interesting.

First to race was Matt, Sam and Riley. Matt came back first leaving Riley last. Getting on the kart, Matt stood behind me. His hand's on my shoulder's "Just relax and try your best" he whispered in my ear.

Turning my head to look at my opponents. Brook was giving me a glare before quickly replacing it with a smile. Is she okay? Jacob smirked at "Ready to lose sweetheart?"

"Stop calling me sweetheart" I hissed at him. He chuckled "You are so cute when your angry" I blushed and with that he was already heading off in the wood's with Brook. That sneak!! He did that on purpose!! Speeding after them, I was quickly behind them before we are side by side.

"Just give up!" Brook laughed making a sharp turn.

"Nope I think I'm just going to win this" I shouted with joy. Her kart so close to mine. "What for Matt?" she shouted nonchalant.

"Maybe" I giggled. A look crossed her face before she turned her steering wheel, crashing her kart into mine. My hand jerked the wheel to make sure I didn't fall. The left wheel came off. Sending my Kart to lose control the vehicle going fast down hill. I couldn't stop it. "Chloe!" I heard someone shout after me. I covered my eyes as bushes hit my face as I went down, toppling over my body rolled down even faster with more force. I splash into something dirty and mushy. Mud. How am I going to wash this out!

I tried to swim out but I winced. My ankle is sprung. What did I do to piss Brook off like that? I keep telling myself it was an accident but I'm just not that naive...

A figure is sliding down the hill "Chloe!" a male voice shouted. Matt? It couldn't have been Matt.  

Jacob? It must be him. "Jay!!" I shouted. It's like I'm shrinking. Wait I am sinking!!! This isn't mud!?? This is quicksand!!??

Jay appeared.He was about to jump in. "It's quicksand!" I shouted. He panicked "Are you hurt?"

I nodded telling him yes. Why did he care so much? I shaked the thought out of my head. Pacing around he finally reached over a branch, breaking it off he leaned the branch closer for me to grab. Grabbing hold to it. Pulling me towards the edge lifting me out of sand we fell back. I got mud all over his clothes. "You look a mess" he grinned but not just any grin but a sly smile. Wiping some mud off my neck rubbing it on his cheek. "Thanks"

I noticed our position and he seemed to notice as well.Hurriedly I got off him, twisting my ankle even more. I yelped. The pain piercing my skin. Jay reached for my foot "What are you doing?" I asked not meaning for it to come out as rudely as it did.

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