Chapter Ten: True Feelings

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Jacob still didn't come home and it's midnight. I just feel horrible for not running after him and leading him on. Getting out of bed going to my closet placing on a floral green sundress over my underwear. Sliding my feet into my boots I quietly walked downstairs, if my Dad woke up he would have a tantrum. Mom left yesterday and she'll probably be gone until the last week of summer which is coming up quite soon. Once outside I started off towards the woods, if I knew Jacob as well as I thought. He should be at the lake. Leaves breaking as my foot crushed them, the sounds of crickets and frogs croaking in the woods. I was close and I could see a light of some sort. Jacob. His back leaned against the tree, his dark brown hair covering his eyes, arms crossed. Picking up my pace, I stopped when I got near him. Why... Why am I here? Why do I always come to his rescue and he comes to mine? Why does he mean so much to me? Why do I feel so secure and relaxed when I'm with him? Because... I think I might be falling for him. I didn't let him kiss me because I was scared we might lead to something that wasn't meant to be. Matt.. I knew we wouldn't be officially together but I really do like him. Jacob is more important and he deserves a chance. Jacob began to groan and I couldn't help but to rush over to him. "Chloe.." he moved his bangs out of his eyes.

Staring into those green eyes "Why starve? Jacob you're going to kill yourself if you don't eat" I muttered.

He scoffed "Why are you here? I don't need you bothering me!"

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry for kissing him," I knelt down in front of him. Jacobs jaw clenched and he glared at me "Get the hell away from me Chloe or I swear I'll.." he looked away from me.

Moving closer on to him "You'll do what?" I whispered.

Jacob looked uncomfortable and he shrugged "Just go.."


"What do you want Chloe?"

Moving hair from his eyes "Remember at the orphanage? When you told that kid you've been in a place like that before, what did you mean?"

Jacob glanced back at me and he gritted his teeth "It's none of your business"

"I have the right to know!"

"No you don't! It doesn't concern you Chloe!"

"Yes it does! Jacob I care about you."

He ran a hand down his face and he sighed "Matthew and Samuel are not my biological brothers, I'm adopted,"

His words hung in the air. Adopted? That explains a lot. I can't believe he is adopted...

"My real mom had me when she was fifteen. To young to take care of a baby right? So she gave me away. I have been passed family after family because they couldn't deal with me anymore. Mrs. Colton took me in when I was fourteen. I haven't exactly been the best son,"

He exhaled deeply and I couldn't help but to hold his hand. Now I understand why Jacob is the way he is. He's damaged goods.

"So, this summer she sent me here in hopes that I might change and stay out of trouble and if I didn't. She would kick me out. It doesn't matter, I'm use to it."

"Jacob," I grabbed his chin, staring into my eyes his frown faded. "Mrs.Colton loves you but your really going to have to change and from what I've seen... you kinda have. She would be stupid to let you go because you're a great guy. She's not like your other Foster parents and I see how much you get along with your brothers and I know they love you as much as you love them."

Jacob rested his hand on my cheek and he pulled me closer. The intensity of both of our bodies clinging so perfectly. His hot breath against my neck. As much as I wanted to get up and leave my legs stayed in place. "Don't fight this." he whispered in my ear before closing the space between our lips. How could lips be so soft? Kissing me gently twice, leaning my back against the tree. Running my hands through his hair as his tongue made his way into my mouth. Making out with Jacob felt so... right. His hands lingering up my shirt and I moaned at the feel of his hands on my skin. Resting my hand on his hard chest he made a sound in the back of his throat. A sound so sexy that made me want him more.

Pulling away I rested my head on his chest, both of us breathing heavily. "Matthew doesn't deserve you..." he choked out quite unexpectedly.

"I was eavesdropping on your conversation when I went upstairs. Matthew didn't break up with that girl, she broke up with him because he just wanted sex from her. Chloe, Matthew has always been that way and I'm not saying I'm perfect but he's not the guy for you."

Matthew lied to me? How could I be so stupid? The reason he didn't hook up with Brooklyn is because she was looking for a relationship and I guess I'm just an easy target. I feel so used...

"Chloe," Jacob lifted my chin and smiled. How much I adored his smile. I have true feelings for Jacob but I don't know if he would ever be with a girl like me? I was so scared to kiss him the other day because I didn't want to get hurt. "I love you."

"I love you too."

And from that moment on we're moving on to a road for change.

I hope you guys enjoyed my short story of two opposites falling in love with each other.

The End

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