Chapter Six: Secrets

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*Comment!!! Comment!! Please!! Author's note (Me) at the bottom of story yea ima start doing these thing's now* Read people!!!! Don't forget to vote please!!

Sam sat on the gate while I threw some pebbles at the duck's. It's cruel I know but it's funny because I missed everytime. The duck's would wobble faster through the grass pecking the ground for food. No one has left their room all morning and Riley still hasn't came back from Sean's house. The house phone rang. Running inside grabbing the phone off the kitchen counter "Quessi residence" I answered the phone, yeah I don't exactly say hello.

"Goodmorning dear, hey is this Chloe?" a woman asked from the other end.

Playing with the curly phone line wrapping it around my finger "Yes this is Chloe"

The woman's voice hitched and a shriek came from the other end "How are you it's been ages since I saw you! You were such a beautiful baby"

Who is this? I really don't know what she's talking about. "Sorry I feel so rude, I'm Mrs.Colton and I'm a close friend of your parents"

Now that makes more sense! "Well I'm alright" I chuckled "Your son's are a handful"

She let out a sigh "Jacob hasn't been causing trouble has he?"

"Jacob he's been..." I thought of all the time's he argued with me, yelled and just been a complete jerk to me. But then I thought of the time's he's helped me like when I sprang my ankle and how much fun we had when we went shopping. I guess I owed him one.

"Jacob's been surprisingly good these past three weeks and usually guys his age are complete jerks" I lied, oh how much I wanted to get back at him.

His mother was quiet for a couple of seconds "Well I'm glad he's keeping up with our agreement, Chloe it's been nice talking to you honey. Tell the boys I said hello for me."

"Yeah I'll make sure to tell them" I hung up the phone. Agreement? What agreement? It seems to me Jacob is hiding some secrets and I'm going to figure them out. This bad boy had another thing coming when dealing with me. I'm persistent and stubborn and I'm not going to give up until I know what's going on!??

Walking upstairs with my arm's folded. I stopped in the middle of the hallway when I heard Matt and Jacob talking.

"Do you even like this girl?" Jacob whispered

Matt groaned, peaking through the door he ran his hand's through his hair "Brook's hot man, but I don't think I feel that way about her I mean we have nothing in common."

Jacob threw a pillow at his brother "You sound like a girl" he laughed. I had to stop eavesdropping on them. I can't help they find the worst moment's to have one of their "Talks" if that's what you want to call it. How come Jacob can have so many decent conversations with everyone except me? I can't believe that Matt doesn't like Brook well I can but they would make a nice couple. Should I tell Brook?

"Coming from the boy who g-" Matt began before my knock cut him off.

"It's Chloe, may I come in?" I asked sweetly.

It's quiet for a split second "No!" Jacob hissed, throwing a pillow at the door.

Matt laughed "Sure you can come in Chloe"

Opening the door wide enough for me to get a full view of my guest room,which is now the definition of mess and smelt like boy funk. Matt sat up in bed I guess boys don't wear shirts to sleep. Picking up the pillow tossing it on the bed "Do you guys even bother to clean your room?"

Matt yawned "Eventually" he managed a smile.

Jacob removed the comforter from across his body. His six pack clearly visible "You can stop drooling sweetheart" he smirked, standing up.

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