10. I'm immune?!

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In the morning we got out of the maze and Gally ran upto us.
G: Why did you ran into the maze?
He asked while hugging me.
Y/n: I wanted to save Newt.
N: Yeah and she did safe my life.
G: What does he mean with tha-?

But before he could finish the sentence I fainted. Newt stood right behind me and caught me I think he brought me to the medhut. Jeff checked up on me and didn't find anything not even a Griever sting and Newt saw. There was absolutely nothing. When I woke up I saw Newt and my brother Gally like it seems has Newt told Gally everything. They hugged me.

G: It seems like I have a immune lil sis.

Y/n: I'm immune?!
N: Yes, and I'm so glad about that.
G: Yeah me too!

We all were about to go to the bonfire when Alby put me in the pit.
N: What's that for?
A: She's dangerous! She's been stung!
G: Ally, She's immune! She's fine.

But that didn't change anything. He didn't let me out so we waited til he was asleep and Newt and Gally let me out. That night I didn't really sleep because Alby could've noticed that I'm gone. I hope not but I'm not dangerous so what's it all about? But Newt slept like a stone. Sometimes he moved a bit buy that's normal right? Anyways now it's the next morning and I'm scared that I'm going to get banished. Let's just hope the best.

Hey guys. So I just wanted to ask if you want spice or not because some of you might not be comfortable with it so I won't go into the details at some points unless you want all the details. Bye I love yall       ~Fiona❤

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