He's our dad! Chapter 3

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Unknown man: I am the Vansh Rai Singhania! (Proudly) And where you are is my Mansion!

(to himself) Riva and Rivan.... No one ever has had the guts to talk to me the way they were, their questioning and not trusting anyone so easily, it all so doesn't feel new. Only one had talked to me like that....(sighed) Riddhima. Their names (sad) remind me of what we had decided. Rivan's eyes has the same twinkle that I had seen in hers. Riva as beautiful as her. Why do I keep thinking of you! When I know that you're no... (he stopped and unbuttoned his shirt)

Ishani: (saw him) Bhai are you fine?

Vansh: yea I am. (Breathing heavily) You both, why are you here?

Rivan: (thinking) For our mission!

Riva: (thinking) Don't say that Rivan!

Rivan: (thinking) You can hear what I'm thinking!

Riva: (thinking) Yes, it's called twins telepathy!

Rivan: (thinking) He's Vansh Rai Singhania, means our dad!! I can't believe it!!

Riva: (Thinking) I'm so elated too! (went in to flashback)


Rivan: Ri, move on to the second page of the diary.

Riva: (Nodded and turned, they both read)

Dear diary,

After Ishani, comes my hubby, my love, my life! His name is Vansh Rai Singhania. I'm not going to show a picture of his to you because I feel you might feel jealous (laughs) I know I've gone crazy but he's mine, always mine! I didn't expect that this would happen in our lives, where I am right now, and where he is right now! He is the most important person and that's why I will tell you everything about us in the end of my perfect family list! I don't know if I should regret, I did everything for him, but everything broke apart in a click of a time. (Tears) Why did it have to happen?

Rivan: Why did mom leave this page here? Why in the end? What happened?

Riva: There's a secret hidden, she's hiding from us. That's why we are away here maybe. We need to get to there. (he nodded)

Flashback Ends

Rivan: To meet our da.... I mean you of course. We are studying journalism and...

Riva: (interrupting) I don't think we need to give our full intro, right? Can't we move on to what we are here for? (a questioning look to Vansh) After all he is VRS, he gets all info out by himself, Am I right or am I right?

Vansh: Interesting, Very Interesting! I like this attitude. I have my own ways to find things out.

Rivan: (he giggled when he said interesting very interesting and looked at Riva who was shocked. It was her line.) He whispered to her: Like father like daughter! (she elbowed him)

Ishani: (to herself) how is Vansh bhai so calm. No one dared to speak to him like this girl. They are so similar to each other.

Riva: Great then! We are here to practice our journalism course and we act as journalists, for our practice. (She handed him a piece of paper and he scanned through it)

Vansh: (ordering) Ishani! Give them the guest room, right away. This is a program for at least two weeks or more. They will stay here. (he turned to leave)

Riva: When can we start our sessions with you?

Vansh: Angre take charge! (breathing heavily) I need to go (he rushed from there to a room)

Ishani: Bhai! (she shouted after him, Angre signed to her) Okay, you both please make yourself comfortable and please enter. (meanwhile the rest of the family arrived)

Riva: Thank you, we will! (Murmured to Rivan) We need to make a place for us in their hearts, so we can eventually get to the truth!

Rivan: Right! (he murmured back)

They entered inside the lavish hall. It had everything you could think of. A beautiful chandelier hanging, the sofas, grey in color, elegantly arranged while a brown coffee table in the middle. Carpets all over the floor covering the tiles. A huge family photo frame hanging on the cream wall. They identified most of the people from the photo frame present over there. They went ahead and remembered the values their mother had taught. They took blessings from the elders.


Rivan: The next page now

Riva: hmm, let's read.

Dear Diary,

Dadi, my second mother. She always treated me like her own daughter, she didn't care about my background and family, she didn't care about all that happened between my family and hers, all she knew that she had found a perfect wife for Vansh, her grandson. I love her so much, I used to share everything with her, and now when I want to share with her all that has happened in these years, she's not there with me. (sad) I don't even know what's there for me in these coming years. She would be so happy to know that she's a great grandmother now!

Rivan: so she's dadi! I don't know when we can meet her and tell her about Mom.

Riva: Soon enough!

Flashback ends.

Dadi: I'm Sunheri. Vansh, Ishani and Siya's dadi. And great grandmother to Anisha and Shayne.

Rivan and Rivan: (whispering to each other) also to us. (together) We can call you dadi too? (she nodded)

Siya: I'm Siya, youngest sister to Vansh, and Ishani. I'm Shayne's mother. Sahil is my husband.

Ishani: I'm Ishani you know, second born and mother to Anisha. Angre is my husband.

Shayne: Heyy! I'm Shayne. Nice to meet you both. I'm 14.

Anisha: Hello I'm Anisha. I'm 16 years old.

Dadi: Ajay, my son and my daughter-in-law, Anupriya passed away in a car accident 5 years back. It was tragedy, but I guess it was destiny's game.

Riva: Thanks for being so friendly with us. We appreciate it. What about Mr Vansh's wife?

Precap: Anger

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