Stand together as a family- Chapter 26

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They nodded and left to the washroom. Riva thought of getting bathrobes along so that they can dry their clothes here as well. While on the other hand Kabir and Aryan started their search. They went around the room, checking on the dressing table, under the bed and inside the vase. They quickly checked the drawers near the bed and they found something. A paper that was folded and neatly kept.

Aryan took it with him and was about to open it however they sensed the twins exiting the washroom so he quickly put it inside his pocket. He signed Kabir to keep calm. Then the twins came and handed them the bathrobes and allowed them to use the bathroom. As they entered the bathroom, Aryan though of looking at the paper. He removed it from his pocket and opened it.

He was extremely shocked at what he saw. Kabir's eyes popped out looking at the paper. The both glanced at each other with tears in their eyes. It was a picture of Riddhima and the twins together. Their suspicion was confirmed right, they were hundred percent sure now that they were Riddhima and Vansh's kids.

Aryan: She's alive!! (laughing in tears) I can't believe it, she's back! We'll get her back

Kabir: Bhai Riddhu, she's alive!! God listened to our prayers, she didn't die that day! It was all a lie (laughing) Riva and Rivan are her kids, we are their mamus.

Aryan: Yea I can't wait till we tell them that, I'm going to take them to AKR Mansion, I will pamper them with everything, give them all the love.

Kabir: Let's go tell them

Aryan: Wait Kabir, we need to tell them at the right time! But what about Riddhima....(reality hit him) Riddhu is in coma!!

Kabir: (frowned) No way! They suffered all that, Riddhima suffered all that (crying) And when she needed us the most we weren't there with her (hitting his hand on the granite basin)

Aryan: Who must have dared to do that! I'm not going to spare him but (anger) Kabir we need to act wisely...all this was a plan to separate all of us. It won't be safe for the kids and Riddhima if we tell them that we know the truth. We'll tell them when time comes.

Kabir: Right bhai, but look at destiny (smiling) the kids are with their family right now and they don't know.

Aryan: This is the twisted game of destiny, plays with everyone. Let's get changed and go.

They both change in to the bath robes and exit the washroom to see the twins waiting there. Kabir unable to hold his emotions and happiness of being an uncle, rushed to them and pulled them into a tight hug while the twins were shocked by his move however they still reciprocated. Aryan adored their bond and wished he would have the same one too. Aryan pulled Kabir back and signed him to control. Riva was about to ask him but then Vansh called everyone down in the hall.

Riva and Rivan hearing him headed downstairs and Kabir and Aryan, forgetting they were in the mansion without anyone's knowledge and with a bathrobe headed downstairs too. Everyone was in the hall when the two stars in their bathrobes descended the stairs leaving everyone in shock.

Vansh: You both here? (curious) That too In a bathrobe?

Rivan: (murmuring to Riva) These guys seriously had to come down

Riva: (murmuring back) Mamus sometimes are just jokers! (chuckled)

Rivan: Agreed (murmured)

Kabir: Woh...umm we were here to (thinking for some excuse)

Riva: They had come to our room (blurted)

Vansh: What and why? (possessive) How did you guys even enter? What was the reason to go there?

Aryan: Vansh chill, we didn't go there to harm them.

Vansh: Chill seriously! Two men trespassed VR mansion's security, ended up in the kid's room!

Kabir: Not like we are strangers!

Angre: How did you both get in?

Rivan: The window! (giggling while Aryan glared at him) Sorry

Aryan: Right the window! And before you ask why we are in bathrobes then let me tell you that your kid...(realizing) your guests had attacked us in defense thinking someone had come to attack them by drenching us in water, spraying perfume and soap too!

Ishani: (laughing) How was the attack?

Kabir: Ms Ishani (gritting his teeth in annoyance) honestly it was the fun thing we ever experienced (sarcasm)

Angre: Kabir!

Vansh: Anyway we all are present so I want to tell you the main reason to which I called you all here (point at Karyan) and as you guys are here then you can listen too. So we are hosting a party tonight!

Dadi: But for what dear?

Vansh: To celebrate our recovery! (smiling)

Aryan: Oh no no...that's definitely not the reason Vansh. You've got something as well at your back. Come on shoot

Vansh: Hmm interesting, very interesting!

Kabir: we know you very well! So say the actual reason

Vansh: (laughing) Of course, (serious) so right it's to trap Chang.

Ishani: So you mean a plan to defeat him?

Vansh: Absolutely right. He betrayed the Vansh Rai Singhania, I'm not going to spare him am i! I've got a plan to defeat him and give him a taste of his own medicine.

Rivan: That's sounds fun! (everyone glared at him) What? It doesn't? (every one chuckled at his innocence)

Aryan: By the way, he double crossed the Raichands too, so we'll be with you in this plan!

Angre: (shocked) You will help us?

Kabir: Any doubt?

Vansh: Fine then, we'll be together in teaching him his lesson. Deal?

Aryan: Perfect!

The rest: We'll also help!

Vansh and Aryan: It may be dangerous!

The rest: It's fine, we'll all be together.

Vansh: Okay, but Aryan and Kabir you better not double cross me

Aryan: Vansh, we are a family! Now this has come to the matter of Raichands and Rai Singhanias, not something anyone can play with.

Everyone was shocked hearing him say family. The twins were happy as they saw some change in their behavior. They were finally accepting each other.

Kabir: When it comes to Rai Singhanias and the Raichands then we stand together, united as one family! Aren't we a family dadi?

Dadi: Huh? (lost) of course, we are. (smiling)

Vansh: Fine! (smiling) We are together in this. So now the plan is....


Chang your time is up! You did a very big mistake in double crossing us.

Sejal you here!!

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