The Reunion! Chapter 30

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Sejal: (shocked) You both are here? (to Riva and Rivan) And this is your house Vansh?

Vansh: Yes this is my house! But wait you know these two? (curious)

Sejal: (ignoring his question) Riva and Rivan do you know him? You know everything?

Vansh: Sejal, answer me one thing. How do you know these two?

Sejal: (ignoring his question) Rivan and Rivan tell me! (louder voice)

Aryan: Why are you ignoring him Sejal?

Sejal: Bhai I don't want to start saying anything that you all wouldn't like. So please! (anger)

Kabir: Sejal just answer his question once at least!

Sejal: What do I answer! And to whom? Who simply just left my best friend on the street! (anger)

Vansh: Best friend? (realizing) Riddhima! What and when? I don't understand you Sejal!

Sejal: Really you don't understand!! You left her on the streets that day! Did you once ask where she went after that? Did you once ask where she was, was she fine or not? (anger and teary) Riva and Rivan this is the last time I'm asking you and why are you here? And do you know this man?

Riva and Rivan came to the front and went closer to Sejal while the rest were shocked with Sejal's reaction. They both hugged her tightly while she didn't reciprocate at first but soon after did. Her anger melted by their touch. They were very close to her and they knew how to calm her. Sejal cried out her heart and told them how much she missed them and on the other hand all the others were in confusion.

Rivan: (backing off) But masi why are you here?

Riva: Exactly! Everything fine?

Sejal: First you answer me! How do you know this man? (pointing to Vansh) Do you know everything about your relationship with him?

Vansh: They are here to practice journalism!

Sejal: (laughed) Are you sure? (to the twins) This is what you told them? (they nodded) Oh well Vansh they fooled you! (the twins closed their eyes in fear of their truth)

Vansh: What! (shocked) Then who are they and why here?

Sejal: they are studying business and not journalism. (she got a call) Hello, yes....what!! No wait I coming!

Rivan: What happened masi?

Sejal: (fear and crying) Ri...Riddhima!!

The ground completely slid off Vansh's feet hearing Riddhima's name. Then he realized something that Riva and Rivan called Sejal their masi and recalled them narrating their incidents. He tried linking everything when Sejal spoke and cleared out everything.

Sejal: She's not well!! (crying) I brought her here for her further treatment as the doctor's had suggested and thought of surprising you all but...but then right now the nurse called and...(breathing heavily) She's getting worse all of a sudden. Her pulses have started dropping.

Riva and Rivan: What!! Where is mom?

Sejal: In the ambulance outside!!

Vansh: My Riddhima is alive! (happy) My Riddhima is alive!!! (ran to sejal) Why didn't you tell me my Riddhima is alive? (pain) Do you know how much I missed her? Do you know how much I want to hold her in my arms and shower all my love on her?

Vansh was extremely elated knowing Riddhima was alive. He hadn't paid attention to the twins calling her mom while the rest did. They were confused but at the same time happy for Vansh and Riddhima. Dadi decided to clear it out.

Dadi: Riva, Rivan what do you mean by mom? (vansh turned around to look at her and gradually understood)

Riva: Dadi (crying and nodded)

Rivan: (crying) She's our mom!

Ishani: That means you're....

Vansh: My children! (shocked and they nodded) You're my children! (happy)

Vansh went to them and looked at them in happiness and affection and love. He had a deep feeling inside him that always told him that he had a connection with them and today he got to know he was their father, he was a father of two kids. He held their faces in his palms and tears dropped down his eyes. He emotionally adored them and hugged them tight. They reciprocated too and hugged him tight, not leaving any opportunity.

They had gotten their dad after years of wait. They were extremely happy but worried on how he would react. When Vansh hugged them tight, their happiness had no bounds, they were flying high, they were finally accepted. Vansh broke the hug and started showering kisses all around their faces while they laughed and smiled at their father. Now they could widely call him their father, their DAD.

Sejal and the rest of the family were crying in happiness and adored their reunion. Sejal was angry at Vansh but seeing their reunion she smiled. She thanked God for this day, the day Riddhima, her and the kids awaited for all these 18 years!

Vansh: (crying) Why..why didn't you tell me? (stammering)

Rivan: Because we wanted to clear out everything first, why you both separated, the reason and then we would tell you that we were your kids. (emotional)

Riva: Exactly, we had planned all this out to extract information from you. (emotional)

Vansh: I can't believe this! You both went through so much (recalling all their incidents) despite you being my children! You and Riddhima...(stopped) Riddhima!

Sejal: She's in the ambulance, come!! (she ran)

All of them ran to the ambulance that was parked outside VR mansion. Sejal guided them there and she told the nurse to open the doors of the ambulance. The nurse in a hurry and in worry opened the doors to see a whole family waiting. Riva and Rivan quickly got up in the ambulance along with Sejal. They looked behind to see Vansh frozen, looking at Riddhima with pain, love, affection. His eyes brought up tears that rolled down his cheeks. He finally saw his sweetheart, his love, his life after 18 long years. As if he had gotten that sudden energy in him, he had gotten his heart and soul back. But his heart pierced to see all the machines and tubes attached to her.

Rivan went to him and held his hand gently, pulling him in the ambulance. It was time for them to unite their parents together. Rivan helped him settle down on the seat next to the stretcher while Riva was caressing Riddhima's head and crying. Vansh was broken, he wasn't able to say anything, he had never imagined he would get his sweetheart and that too like this. In coma!

Riva: Mom (tears) look Dad is here, he's finally with us!! Please wake up

Hearing that Riddhima's machine started beeping gaining everyone's attention. The nurse told them that she was responding but her health was deteriorating. Aryan and Kabir started shouting at the nurse while dadi and the rest tried calming them down. Vansh finally broke his silence and told Aryan to quickly call the best doctor in the whole of India.

Vansh: Riddhima!! You have to wake up dammit!! (cupping her face)For us and for our kids (looking at them) Angre!! Aryan, call the best doctors and let's shift her to VR mansion. I'll talk to her, she has to wake up! She'll be treated here and she'll wake up here! (tears) Riva and Rivan go prepare with dadi and Ishani, her room needs to be sorted out! No our room!


A night with a father and his kids

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