Trust- Chapter 9

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Flashback continues

St Teresa college

Riddhima: So who do you think I am? I am Riddhima Raichand.

Vansh: What!! (shock) You're that girl? No no, you must dreaming, or wait am I dreaming? (pinching himself) Ouch! I'm not dreaming..... she's that girl who I.... God no! Why did this have to happen! (he kept his hand on his head) It could be your dream too! (pinched her)

Riddhima: Ouch! Why are you pinching me?

Vansh: She's not dreaming too! (mumbling) You are that Riddhima Raichand?

Riddhima: All I know that there's one Riddhima Raichand and I am that (stretching on that) Riddhima Raichand, daughter of Manav Raichand.

Vansh: Manav Raichand.... (Remembering their enmity) Dream girl to Hate girl! (mumbling) Vansh stick it in your head, dream girl to hate girl, dream girl to hate girl, hate girl to dream girl, (realizing) No no, dream girl to hate girl!!

Riddhima: Oh hello! What's your problem?

Vansh: Yes you're a problem yourself! (mumbled)

Riddhima: Don't you know how to speak a loud? You're mumbling all the way!

Professor: I repeat, is Riddhima Raichand here?

Riddhima: (turning to the professor) Yes sir you needed me?

Professor: Yes dear, your brothers are here again! (face-palming his forehead) Please do something about them. (to the door) Enter!!

Riddhima: What! (making a face) Not again!

Vansh was shell shocked knowing she was the girl he had fallen for. The way she was dressed when she descended the Ferrari was completely different than what she wore. She was wearing a simple long shrug with a spaghetti top and denims. He was happy to know that she was right near him but never expected her to be such. He had never expected to have a fight on their first meeting. He found her annoying and so did she. He was just staring at her, asking his heart why he had to choose her!

He decided to never talk about that! She would just remain an annoying and irritating girl who spoiled the first day, no matter how beautiful she is, or no matter he fell for her at first sight. He wasn't going to care anymore! The brothers entered the class with a few armed bodyguards while Riddhima stood there. Vansh's confusion was clear now, it was her who he had fallen fall for instantly, and these were the boys he had seen with her.

Riddhima: Bhai, what are you doing here again?

Aryan: To see you! If you're safe or not?

Kabir: True that is, bhai. And Ridz we are your brothers; we care for you. (while ascending the steps, to Riddhima) Who is this guy with you? (suspicion and indicating Vansh)

Riddhima: He's an annoying kid!

Aryan: Did he do something to you, Riddhu? If he has, lemme handle him! (protective and anger)

Vansh: (to Riddhima) Woahh! Ms Riddhima, you're the annoying and irritated one and you're calling me that! Wow! How great! (sarcasm)

Aryan: Dare you not talk to her in that tone! (anger) You don't know who she is! Don't cross your limits!

Vansh: And dare you not talk to me in that tone! And you don't know who I am! I am Vansh Rai Singhania!! Interesting Very interesting! VR doesn't cross limits but sets it!

Kabir: Rai Singhania! There we go bhai, enmity starts again! (smirking) Well I guess you don't know us! We are the Raichands, Kabir Raichand, (Pointing to Aryan) Aryan Raichand. If you don't know about it then go ask you father!

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