Time is the greatest healer- Chapter 21

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Flashback continues

Doctor: Yes you can but there's something more to her case... She's..... (sighed)

Sejal: Doctor please tell us, is it really serious? (worried)

Doctor: I'm sorry to say but she's in serious trauma. I think her age is too young to have faced whatever she saw and whatever happened to her. She's seen a lot of bloodshed in a couple of minutes, she had been tortured in a couple of minutes and it is hard for her to digest that. It would take her a lot of time for her to overcome that, and even if she overcomes it, she may get flashes of this incident at times leading her to face panic attacks. She's really sensitive after this particular point, any wrong step that leads her to remember all the incidents, her condition can grow serious. It can prove fatal for her life.

Rivan: (listening to all that hugged Sejal tighter) Meaning she will never be fine?

Doctor: No son, she will just that you always have to keep her happy. Let her try forget everything. Excuse me. (he left)

Sejal: How will she be happy when she gets to know about Riddhi! (crying)God please help us!!

After some days Riva got conscious. She never spoke, she used to stare at the door as if waiting for someone to come. She hardly ate, she hardly moved from her position. She was as if a rock. She was going through a lot, she was in serious trauma. At night she used to get nightmares of the incident, she used to scream in pain and fear. She used to get hyper and throw everything around. She used to cry reminiscing all the events. Sejal and Rivan tried their best to comfort her, to bring her back in her original form, to bring a smile on her face.

After a lot of efforts they managed to. She gradually started talking, eating moving around and slowly she learnt how to smile. They say; time is the greatest healer. It indeed was, things started to fall in their right place. Over a few months she was back into her normal however she used to suffer at night as the nightmares used to haunt her. She longed for comfort from either of her parents but she got none. She still was unaware of Riddhima's condition until one day they decided to tell her.

Sejal: Riva you've got to listen to this, I know it will be really tough for you but we've accepted it.

Riva: What are you talking about masi? (Rivan held her hand tight)

Sejal: Riva your mum (took a deep breathe) is in coma!

Riva: (shocked and teary) What! When, how? And you never bothered telling me.

Sejal: Since 4 months dear, since the attack! We never told you because you were recovering slowly, and the doctor had refused from giving you any stress.

Riva: (enraged) I'm not going to spare that rascal!! He caused all that destruction in our family, I'm like this because of him, mom is in that state because of him! Take me to mom!

Sejal and Rivan took her to the room where they had kept Riddhima. As soon as Riva had gotten discharged from the hospital, they also shifter Riddhima to their house. They entered inside and Riva burst into tears. It hurt her watch her mom attached to many machines monitoring her activity, lots of tubes piercing her skin and she, breathing with the support of an oxygen mask.

She ran to her and cried heavily beside her, berating herself.

Riva: (crying) Mom, I'm sorry!! It's all my fault. If that day I would have fought with that guys I could have saved you and the both of us!! Mom please wake up, I really need you! You can't leave Riv and me alone like this, we have no one except masi! Not even dad. Please!! (holding Riddhima's hand tight)

Rivan: (hugging her from the back) Riva control yourself!

Riva: Right I should control myself! (anger) I swear upon you Mom, I won't leave that criminal! I will make sure I avenge your state.... I will make sure I will take revenge for everything he has done!!

Rivan: (anger) I'm with you Ri! I swear upon you and Mom, I won't leave that guy who tried to harm my sister and my mother! I'm going to avenge everything, and I'm always going to be with you. I promise to always protect you! (they hugged)

Riva: Riv get me your coach's number. I want to go and learn fighting, self-defense, learn how to shoot, learn everything that I can use to take our revenge and not fall weak at the same time! I have no place for anything else in my heart except the revenge! This weak and emotional Riva will now become the strong and stone-hearted Riva who won't cry on anyone's pain, not even on her own!

From that point Riva and Rivan trained hard for their fighting skills and Sejal supported them. They had made up their mind to fight for their Mom, along with that they wanted to find their dad. That was their only goal. Years passed by, they learnt how to deal with everything and today they were venturing for their father.

Flashback ends

Doctor: Okay thank you... I am looking on to her case. (he left)

Everyone was in tears, they never imagined that they suffered so much, they had such a painful childhood. This was the time when everyone got to know that their father wasn't with them. Rivan himself was in tears, it was as if he had gone through all that once again.

Vansh: (he was choking on his words) You both... have gone through all..this? (tears rolling down) How have you gathered all that courage?

Rivan: (tears) In hope of getting mom cured and finding our dad!

Ishani: (couldn't take it anymore and hugged him) How merciless must that guy be who attacked you! (Angre looked on) How could he...how is your mom now?

Rivan: she's still the same, not much improvement but I guess she really needs someone special (glances at Vansh)

Kabir: (tears) You both struggled a lot but still managed everything! You mum has made you both really brave!

Aryan: How did you manage everything? Like money and all? (low voice)

Rivan: We worked. (expressionless)

This statement was enough to break Vansh completely. He had from the starting felt a connection with both of them and now after their childhood story he felt as if someone stabbed his heart more than a million times and broke into pieces. He was aghast hearing how much they had to suffer at such a young age. Tears rolled down from his eyes while everyone was shocked at Rivan's statement. Vansh had no clue on what to do, as if he was completely disoriented. Even imagining all the events was hard for him then what about going through and living in those events?

Aryan: What do you mean you worked? (trying to clear out)

Rivan: Masi used to earn but it wasn't really enough. Before mom and masi used to earn so it was fine but now only one person, so Riva and I decided to work, anything but to earn money. When we were like 11 we started working at small places unknown to anyone as child labor is illegal, but we had no other choice. Masi tried stopping us, she did double the hard work but we didn't listen to her. In school we took any opportunity for voluntary work and made sure we were paid, as we grew up we then started selling different things we made- could be food, items, household items. Then we worked part time in cafés as cashiers. Then masi got a better job so we concentrated more in school and we decided to come here for our further studies.

Vansh: You worked and did schooling as well! (emotional)

Rivan: I know you all might have thought that Riva is stone hearted and rude when you all first met her but the situations made her like that. (wiping his tears)

Vansh: But I have a thing to ask....


Vansh: Where's your dad? Why wasn't he there?

I hope you enjoyed this chapter...please vote and I'll upload the next one once it reached 20 or 20+ votes. 


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