Chapter 22: Completing The Heist

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This guy, or thing.....whatever it was, was definitely something that to this day, Alex still couldn't explain why he exists.

All Alex knew was whatever Truth told him, and according to Truth, he was apparently the self proclaimed god of Alchemy, though Alex still doesn't believe him on that.

"You know, now's not a real good time to wanna talk to me now. I'm kinda in the middle of something and I need to get back to it as soon as possible." Said Alex.

The white figure merely gave a smile as he chuckled a little bit.

"Is that so? In my eyes, I'm pretty sure that I appeared before you at the right time actually. I mean after all you saw that behemoth of a mech." Said Truth.

"Yeah so what? I'm pretty sure with me, Kiana, Major Himeko, and Ms. Theresa, we'll be able to take it down without too much trouble." Replied Alex.

As he said that, Truth put a hand to his face and began to laugh for a while.

"Man! Boy oh boy do I love you naive outlook! It just cracks me up!" He said between laughs.

"H-Hey stop laughing I'm being serious."

"I know! That's exactly why I'm laughing!" Said the white figure before calming down. "Anyways, I'm being serious. This is gonna be an extrmely difficult fight. You barely managed to beat Ganesha back during the exams and that was without my help. From what I see, this mech is easily fifteen times harder. After all this isn't any normal giant mech."

"What? Not a normal giant mech? How not?" Asked Alex.

"Remember what that Cocolia woman said? She killed that Wendy girl. Now answer this. After killing Wendy and being in possession of her Herrscher core, do you really think she'd just let the opportunity to use it go to waste? Especially when she's already infuriated with you all for ruining her plan to gain Mei's Herrscher core?" Said and asked Truth.

Alex kept quiet for a bit, before sighing.

"Crap. You do have a point. Knowing Cocolia, she definitely would take the opportunity to use it immediately." Said Alex.

"Exactly. So here's your current situation at hand. Right now you and the girls are trying to escape but are currently in a death battle between a giant mech powered by a Herrscher core. Let's not forget that you all are currently trying to keep a completely drained, weakened Mei and an unconscious Bronya safe from any more harm." Explained Truth.

"Yes I get the point Truth. We've got all the cards stacked against us. Doesn't mean that we aren't gonna try our absolute best. I assure it that we will get this job done." Proclaimed Alex.

Truth merely gave a frown and sighed.

"Fine if you insist then I'll just go back to sitting back and relaxing until our next chat. Good luck. Your definitely gonna need it." Said the white being as he sat down.

Alex nodded and turned away from him, about to close his eyes to wake up but, before he did Truth called his attention.

"Hey wait a minute! Before you fully awaken, I gotta tell you one last thing." He said.

"Hm? Make it quick then. What is it?" Asked Alex.

It took a while to get a response but Truth eventually talked.

"That white, twin tailed haired girl. Keep an eye on her. She's not what she seems." Said Truth.

"What? White, twin tail-..............wait. Are you referring to Kiana? What do you mean by she's not what she seems?" Asked Alex.

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