Chapter 1

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"Strawberry or Vanilla..? Strawberry flavour is the best, but..." Y/n paused as her features softened. "Yeah...Vanilla it is," She decided, placing the vanilla flavoured ice-cream bars in her cart and headed to self checkout to avoid human interaction.

She paid for everything and headed out the store with four bags, two on each hand. "I need to get home before the ice-cream melts...what a drag," Y/n whined, looking at the river flowing calmly.

"Ara?" Her eyes widened when she noticed a man throw himself in the river. The screaming went deaf to her ears as she left her groceries and ran on the river bank to get close to save him. 'Don't die on me, random dude!!' She thought.

She was relieved when he was helped out of the water by a white haired boy. 'Should I check on them..? What could go wrong if I do, right?' She thought, walking up to the two males.

"Are you alright now, sir?" She asked, facing the brown haired boy with bandages wrapped around him.

"Oh such a pretty angle!!" He grabbed Y/n's hand, caressing it and said. "Would you please strangle me with your delicate and soft hands,'

"E--ermm," She looked at the white haired boy for help, but he looked as confused as her. So she looked back at the brown haired boy, held his hand in her's and said. "Would you allow me to show you the wonders of life before I can consider?"

Dazai blinked at Y/n owlishly. No one had responded to him as she did. A complete stranger had offered to show him the beauty of the world. Beauty of this dark and grim world. Dazai flashed a fake smile. "The only beauty I've seen is you, belladonna,"

Y/n smiled at him and helped him up without words spoken. The silence was interrupted by a growl from Atsushi's stomach. "I-I'm sorry!" Atsushi bowed down. As he did, a growl came from Dazai's stomach as well.

"It's fine," Y/n said, smiling and waving her hands in a 'don't mind' motion. "Do you have a specific place you'd like to eat? My treat," she said as sparkles seemed to surround the h/ced beauty.

'An angel!!" Both the boys thought, looking at Y/n.

"DAZAI!! WHO THE HELL SAYS A NICE RIVER AND JUMPS INTO IT IN THE MIDDLE OF A JOB?!!" Shouted a yellow haired man from the opposite side of the river.

"Ah Kunikida-kun!! Would you like to join us!! This beautiful lady is paying!!" Dazai shouted back.

"Is he your friend?" Y/n asked, looking at Dazai. "Also, Dazai, that's a nice name," She turned to look at Atsushi. "What's your name?"

"A-Atsushi," He stuttered out. Y/n looked at both of them softly. They both had eyes which seemed broken. She could only imagine what they two had gone through from how their eyes seemed to be begging for someone to help the pain.

As Y/n was deep in thought the yellow guy arrived. "My name is Kunikida and please excuse this idiot here," He said to Y/n and Atsushi.

"It's fine," Y/n said, smiling and waving her hands again. "So do you guys have a preferred dish or restaurant?"

"T-Tea and rice!" Atushi blurted out without thinking and clamped his hands on his mouth as soon as the words escaped his mouth.

"Tea as rice it is. Do you two mind?" She asked Dazai and Kunikida. "I'll pay, so please eat as much as you want," She said with her angelic smile.

"Please let me pay, or at least half of the price. It would be far too rude of me to make you pay for all of us," Kunikida said.

"I insist," She said looking at Kunikida and before he could say anything Y/n said, "I know a good place and it's just a five minute walk. C'mon, let's go," Y/n said walking in front.

Hiraeth (Bungou Stray Dogs X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now