Chapter 21

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Everything happened quickly. I met the army, and they immediately started to train, Malakiy included.  He would come home from training, sweaty and exhausted. I would offer him foot rubs and back massages to make him feel more relaxed.

I also had several private meetings with Kostas. He would come to my house while Malakiy went off to train. I requested that he visited me when Malakiy wasn't home because I didn't want Malakiy to know the details of our private meetings. It wasn't right to keep secrets from him, but it was necessary. The wolves would use my blood on the day of fighting. Since my blood made them strong and heal quicker, that would give us the ultimate advantage over my parent's army.

I knew if Malakiy found out that I was supplying my blood, he would be upset. He wished I never told them about it. Malakiy didn't realize that this was the only way to secure our freedom. If we had an advantage, we might as well use it.

Malakiy's family still hadn't escaped. They had made it to the uncle's, but they were waiting for the boat to come to get them across the sea and straight to Russia. The boat left every 4 weeks, and it usually contained other wolves who had paid for their passage.

His family only had to two weeks, then they would make it to safety. Sometimes I regretted not joining them. But I chose to avenge my brother's death and rule rightfully as Queen with Malakiy at my side. Too many people had suffered because of my family. I just hoped I wasn't making the wrong choice.


Two weeks later, the fighting had started. The Castle didn't have a fortress, but we had a vast forest where our army was camped out. Most of the fighting would be done in the woods then. Malakiy wanted to fight despite me begging him not to. He said he would feel like an idiot sitting out on the sidelines while others risked their life. I wanted him to take my blood, but he refused. That's what worried me the most, other wolves would be almost invincible, and he would be fighting in his natural state.

We were camped out in the town nearest to where the fighting was happening. My parents thought they were dealing with just another rouge attack, they had no idea that I was behind it yet.

Madi had joined me, leaving behind her family and work in Gleeden. She couldn't bear the thought of leaving Hans to fight wolves alone. If Hans had any doubt before about the extent of her love for him, I hoped now there would be no doubts. Despite Madi threatening to break up with him, it was clear to see that those were just words. She couldn't live without him for even a second. I had no doubt that they'd be married within the year.

The first day of fighting was intense. I was in a tent located at home base, waiting for injured rouges to come back and get healed. For minor cuts and bruises, my blood could fix that easily. So we took some blood from vials and rubbed it onto the wounds.

For the more serious cases, we used an IV for them. Madi and I got quick to work. We have dealt with at least 40 cases so far, 5 of which were critical. When the last case was treated, I washed my hands and started to change the sheets of the hospital beds. I was waiting for Malakiy to come back from the fighting.Then we could head back to our tent together.For the majority of the fighting, we would be living in large tents that were a few miles away from the battle. Malakiy and I had a tent to ourselves and it was situated right next to Hans and Madi's.

Hans came back first, and Madi immediately ran up to him to give him a hug. "I was so worried. God, you have scratches all over you."

"I'm fine. Even better now that I'm with you." He murmured into her mouth. She rolled her eyes but wouldn't let go of him.

Just then Malakiy walked in and he was in great condition too, apart from a few scratches. I was certainly not as dramatic as Madi, but I opened my arms widely so he could give me a hug. He hugged me for a total of two seconds, before asking that we talk privately.

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