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*20 years later *

It took 2 decades, but at last Malakiy and I finally got our happy ending. I escaped from Victor during my daughter's failed wedding to an Original. At first, I tried to push Caterina (who preferred to be called Cara) to the path of tradition. Part of it was jealousy. I had wanted her to suffer as I had. Why should she live happily with her mate, whereas I had been deprived of my own. Another part of me was scared she would be punished as i had been by not following the rules. I wanted to keep her on the path that I was led to follow. It was the only way to escape the Moon Goddess's wrath.

Eventually, I came to my senses, and I prevented her wedding to take place. I allowed her to escape whereas I had been trapped for 19 years.

Ironically, saving my daughter from tradition is what allowed me to escape as well. I finally got to be with my mate, so every hurdle that brought us to this point had been worth it. It took some time for Cara to forgive me for almost marrying her off, but eventually we were able to put the past behind us and move towards the future together, like a true family.

Malakiy and I spent our first year together traveling around, a dream we never thought could come true. Then we settled down in Hawaii. We wanted to be the furthest away from Morzelad as possible. Victor had never tried to locate me and I believed he wanted nothing to do with me. He must have realized that I was the mastermind behind the canceled wedding.

Months later we would come to find out that he had been killed by an insurgent posing as a guard. The Castle would be up for grabs, and for the first time in history, there would be elections to appoint the next leader. Kostas decided he would put his name in the running to become President of the country. He was favored to win but in order to secure the nomination, he wanted me to endorse him.

So despite vowing to never return to Morzelad, Malakiy and I made one final trip back. We spent 2 weeks in the country, and the first week was going from town to town in support of Kostas. It felt good to help him after he left his position as rouge leader to accompany me in the Castle. I would still be with Victor if it weren't for him. From insurgent to butler to the president of a new Republic, what a trajectory his life took him on.

At last, Malakiy and I went in search of Madi and Hans. When I was Queen, I had never asked Kostas to send me updates. It was simply too painful to think back to those times. Now that things were safe in Morzeland, I was curious to find out what became of them.

It didn't take much searching to find where they lived. They remained in Gleeden all their lives and were well known in the small city. As soon as Malakiy arrived, we asked around until finally, some kind person led us to the direction of their house.

We stood with a large gift, wine, and some chocolates. When I knocked on the door, a small girl of 11 answered.

"Hello." She said shyly.

I took a step backward, she was a spitting image of Hans. Before I could say anything, an older boy of around 14 or 15 came to the door. He scolded his sister and pulled her away from the door. "Do not answer the doors to strangers. Call for mom and dad or me first."

The girl responded to this by stomping away loudly. She may not have liked his tone, but one day she would appreciate his protective nature. I was the same way with William.

The boy turned towards us. "What can I do for you?"

"Are your parents home? If so, tell them that Seraphina and Malakiy are standing outside their door."

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