Chapter 23

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I said my goodbyes to everyone the following morning. Tears ran down Madi's eyes, and even Hans appeared choked up.

"You were supposed to be my bridesmaid." She wiped at tears.

"Maybe now you can be mine." I tried to lighten the mood.

"As if your parents would let a commoner like me come to the wedding." She scoffed. "Plus, I only support your union with Malakiy. And Hans will not be the best man to your other husband."

I smiled and hugged her one last time. I was going to miss her so much.

Malakiy was standing by the tent, watching everything with guarded eyes. We hadn't said anything to each other after the frenzy of the previous night. We had both tried to hurt each other with our pointed words and cruel insults, but we couldn't stop ourselves from falling back into each other's arms. I was going to miss this man with my entire being. One day, I hoped he would realize that this relationship was as real to me as it was to him. That's why I was sacrificing myself to my parents. I would do anything for him.

Jeeps were waiting to take me back to the Castle.

Malakiy was still standing by the tent. He was staring at his shoes, trying to distract himself from looking at me. With one last hug to Madi and a promise to write to her someday,
I greeted the guard waiting out in front of the Jeep."Princess Seraphina." He said without emotion.

"Hello." I matched his tone.

"Do you offer your unconditional surrender?"

" I would not be here otherwise. Now, if we are finished with the formalities, I'd like to be on my way." I tilted my head up and affected an air of nonchalance. It was scary how easily I could flip the princess switch on. It was almost as if it never left me.

He opened the door and just as I was about to step inside, a hand pulled me back. Sparks ran up my arm and I knew that Malakiy was holding me back.

I turned so that I was face to face with my mate. Forget everything that I said about leaving, if he told me to stay, I would. He saw that in my eyes, that I would risk everything and stay. I knew he saw the look in my eyes because his own eyes grew hopeful. Malakiy opened his mouth, but then his eyes flashed suddenly with violent pain. He was imagining what would happen to his family if I stayed. Then, as if thinking better of it, he shut his mouth and let go of my hand. A tear ran down his eye as he backed away.

I turned my face away and sat in the car. I refused to look at him as we drove away. I knew I had told him to let me go, but now I was reeling in pain. Once again he was made to choose duty over me. But I couldn't blame him. I knew what it was like to lose William. If his family died, Malakiy would never forgive himself or me. It would destroy our bond.

I refused to cry, I was not going to let my parents think that they had won. So instead, I bit my tongue and tried to think of mundane things.

It was a short drive to the Castle. But, unfortunately, when I arrived, I found that the Castle managed to look even more dreary than when I had left it.

Immediately an older guard welcomed me. "You will first go change and look presentable. "Then you will be meeting with your parents and Victor." He instructed me as if things were normal. I had been absent for months and my army was hours away from taking over the Castle. Things were anything BUT normal.

Was Victor still here? I wondered what our first words would be to each other after so long. He had spent long enough with my family, he was probably as disgusted by me as they were. Walking to my room, I couldn't help but wonder what Malakiy was up to. I missed his hands on my body. I missed his stern reassuring words that melted through any fear and doubts that I had. He was willing to fight for us. Why didn't I  let him?

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