Chapter 1

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Small bits of light poked through my windows, falling in uneven streaks before landing on my face. I never needed much to wake up. The slightest bit of sunshine would do the job. Stretching my arms out to reach the far corners of my bed, I emitted a sound that could only be best described as a door creaking open. I rolled over and opened both eyes.

My eyes flitted to the blue short-sleeved dress lying on the edge of my bed. I marveled at how Margot, my lady in waiting, could enter my room without making the slightest movement. I envied her nimbleness and wished that I, too, could glide skillfully around the castle hallways. Maybe then, I would be more successful in sneaking out of the castle. But for the moment, no matter how graceful I tried to make my steps, they were still very much noticeable.

After showering and applying makeup, I went to get dressed. I tried to imagine what it was exactly I was supposed to be doing today. I observed the dress. Blue typically meant the arrival of a new guest to the castle. I reflected on last night's discussion with my parents, but I couldn't remember them mentioning a guest was to arrive.

Maybe I would have to meet Victor,  the Original that I would be married off to. Tradition had it that all Original females were to be married to a male Original, to continue the bloodline. After centuries of being hunted down, my mother and I were the last original females in existence. I was the last hope in preserving the Original line, and so would my daughter after me.

Upon further inspection of my dress, I realized that I was not meeting my fiancé today. A more excellent dress would have been chosen for me if that were the case.

A guard I had never seen before escorted me down the hall. He was acting as my current bodyguard until a replacement was chosen. I looked forward to all the potential mischief I'd be getting into with this new one. Already bets were being placed that this new replacement would last 48 hours. It took 36 hours to get rid of the following, and before that, it took three days.

I hated being watched over. Since I had been born, there had not been a proper attack on the castle. There was most likely not to be another again. But since I was the last Original female (not counting my mom), I needed protection at all times, apparently. I'd been known to escape a few times when my bodyguard was not paying attention. I would always be in another part of the castle, but I would stay hidden just until they found another replacement. It was the only source of fun I could have in this place, and to this day, my hiding spots have never been discovered.

Breakfast would be held in the dining hall. I approached the long dining table, and my hands glided along with the white silk tablecloth. I took my seat and rearranged my utensils to all be on the right side. My parents came in at separate times and through separate entrances. It had been years since they ever arrived through the same gates. They were cordial to one another,not exactly friendly.  From my earliest memory, there had always been like this.

"Hi Seraphina, when you're ready, have a look at this." My mother opened a folder and passed a lengthy white paper to me. It was my schedule for the week. I read through it once or twice before imprinting it into memory. I'd be meeting with Victor tomorrow afternoon. I remembered Victor from a few events organized here at the castle. He was my third cousin, and he was 6 feet tall. Funny that these were the first things I remembered about him.

"I know I do not need to tell you twice, but I expect you to be on your best behavior." My dad lectured.

"He will not refuse me, dad, even if I'm not on my best behavior. I'm the last female Original, remember. This makes me a high-value girl." I winked.

"Enough of that, Seraphina. Please. It's not ladylike to talk like that." My mother shook her head disdainfully. "I need you to take this seriously. He could decide to reject you, highly unlikely or not.  How would that look for you, for us, for our family?"

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