Chapter 2

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High school was amazing, making friends, learning how to work our quirks and become heroes. UA was everything you hoped it would be and more.

Along the lines you had gotten injured, taken days off, visited the hospital wing on more than one occasions but that was an occupation hazard, it couldn't be helped.

Hizashi was there making you laugh when you were upset or hurt.

Aizawa was there when you had your heart broken by guy after guy, simply giving you a shoulder to cry on late at night, joining you on walks and random sparring sessions.

You never thought much about it, after all, friends where there for friends. You were there for them, they were here for you. It's how it went.

You had all grown up so much from being first years, now you were graduating and ready to become the worlds next pros.

Aizawa looked over at you in your graduation clothes, you were talking to a few others, asking them about their plans and such.

"Still Not said anything huh?" Hizashi said, walking over.

Aizawa looked at him and shrugged, leaning against the wall he stuffed hands into his pockets and turned away from you.

"No point, she just sees me as a friend."

Hizashi clamped a hand on Aizawas shoulder, giving him a large grin as he winked.

"Ya just need to talk to her man!"

"What do you think I've been trying to do all these years." He hissed.

"Just man up! Walk over there and ask her on a date!"

A few people looked over, making Aizawa elbow Hizashi in the side.

"She's not suitable for this world, she's too sheltered."

"Hey man, that's not nice! She's our friend."

With a heavy sigh, the dark haired teen left the room, you happened to look over as he left, a small frown on your face as you excused yourself, walking over the the blond.

"Hey Hashi, where's Aizawa going?"

"No idea, you should go see him though!"

You rolled your eyes at your loud friend and left, exciting the building. The cold air hit your skin making your shiver a little as you looked up to the night sky before glancing around. That's when you spotted a figure heading towards the gates.

"SHOTA~" you sang running over.

The teen stopped in his tracks, turning around as he watched your come over, tripping over your gown.

You let out a small yelp, but got back up, checking on your palms before padding over with a smile.

"Hey broody, are you okay?"

"I'm fine. I'm going home." He replied.

"Awh, come on, we've still got a while yet."


Your smile faded, you looked him in the eyes. He had been acting different for a while, but you never had a clue why.

"Have I done something wrong Shota? You've been axing weird for the last few weeks."

"Don't call me that."

He turned around and started to walk away. In a panic, you grabbed his hand, hissing lightly in pain as your cut palm touched his skin.

"Sho... Aizawa, what's going on?" You asked softly, "is it something at home? You can stay at mine if you want."

He looked down at your conjoined hands before pulling away, turning his body away from yours hiding his face.

"We're going to be heroes now, you should really start acting like one instead of a child. People won't be there to run around after you saving you when you get hurt, or help you when you get dumped." He muttered, "I'm not going to help you anymore."

You opened your mouth but quickly closed it, swallowing the lump in your throat.

"A... Aizawa why are you being so mean..?" You asked softly.

He sighed heavily, his heart aching at the sound of your upset voice.

"I'm saying, you're too sensitive. You're going to get destroyed in this harsh world (Y/N), we should've let you handle things alone."

You felt a few tears slip down your cheeks as you balled your hands into fists.

"There's nothing wrong with being happy Shota! Maybe you'd know that if you smiled every once in a while! Just because you can't feel emotions like a normal human doesn't mean other people shouldn't!" You yelled.

You stormed up to him, marching around his body, your hand connected to his face.

Aizawa stood there stunned, his cheek stinging after the impact. Slowly he turned to face you, your eyes brimming with tears a You scowled at him.

"I... I thought we were friends... but I guessed wrong. The great Shota Aizawa, too good for other people right?! Well here!"

You dug around in your pockets, taking out a small box you threw it at him, tears running down your face.

"I hope you have a good life without friends asshole! I hate you!"

With that, you stormed away.

"W..wait..." Aizawa spoke softly.

Of course, you never heard him, you ran away from the school grounds leaving him there. Slowly he bent down, picking up the box, he opened it. Inside was a small pendant in the shape of a water droplet.

He turned it around in his hands, and in the light from the street lamp, he noticed writing on the back.

'Thanks for everything Shota, you're amazing. Love (Y/N).'

He gently put it back in the box and slipped it into his pocket, staring at the path you had just taken, regret filling his heart at what he'd just gone.

"I'm sorry..." he whispered

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