Chapter 11

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The boys came home around evening time, telling you that Izuku was alright and he'd gone home. With a smile, you nodded.

"Thanks guys, you're great friends."

They both smiled and went to go do their own things.

Your phone went, Jet picked it up and read the message aloud.

"It's from someone claiming to be Hizashi, that's one of the friends you mentioned right?"

"Yeah, it is."

Taking it, you opened it and saved the number before reading the message.

Hashi: going for food, wanna come?

You: depends just you or?

He replied instantly making you laugh a little.

Hashi: Aizawa is gonna be there to, you don't have to speak to him though!

Humming, you set your phone down and thought a little. You knew this was his way of trying to get you guys to speak.

You: no thanks, I'll pass. Wanna sit with the boys Gabe has a hard day, maybe next time!

Hashi: aw okay! Hope he's alright!"

Hizashi sighed softly and shook his head to Aizawa as they sat at the small cafe.

"Sorry man, didn't work. She wants to spend time with the boys."

Aizawa rose a brow, sipping his coffee.

"The boys? What's that, like friends or something?"

Hazashi shook his head, rubbing the back of his neck as he tried to figure out how to explain it.

"No, her sons. Gabriel and Jessie."

Aizawa blinked, his heart broke a little at that sentence but he kept his face straight. He remembered the two students, neither one of them bore a resemblance to you, he didn't think to put the two last names together.

"I see... okay."

Hizashi looked at his friend in worry as he looked out the window.

"Don't worry man! Just give it time! I bet she'll forgive you!"

Aizawa grunted, everyone was saying that. He honestly didn't blame you for not forgiving him, he wouldn't forgive himself ever. He never actually did, when he saw your tears that night he realised he made a huge mistake.

"You weren't there... you didn't see her face."

"Come on! Have faith! It's (Y/N) she always forgave us!"

Aizawa stood from his seat, stuffing his hands in his pockets as he looked over to Hizashi.

"Maybe, but not this time."

With that, he walked away, heading outside to just aimlessly wonder.

He passed the streets without a second thought, but as he walked past a shrine he stopped.

Turning to face it, he was the rope around the inside, notes attached to it. He remembered this place. He was about 12-13 when he was last here.

"Hey! Let's go in here!" You giggled.

It was midday, you were on your way to meet Hizashi, and Toshinori at the shopping centre.

"Why?" He asked.

"I wanna make a request to the gods!"

Grabbing his hand, you dragged him in, heading to the table inside which held paper and pencils.

He watched you scribble something out, then tie some string to it before running outside to hang it up.

"What does it say?" He asked.

"I won't tell you until you write one!"

He sighed, grabbing one, he scribbled on it and showed you.

'I hope (Y/N) hurries up, I'm hungry.'

Rolling your eyes, you tied his up then showed him yours.

'I hope Aizawa, Hizashi and Toshinori are my friends forever!'

"That's not how it works." He pointed out, "you know these places aren't real."

You shrugged, hanging yours up as you wondered out.

"Look! You're came true so mine will too!"

He went to argue but didn't, just simple followed you. He didn't believe in these sorts of things, but he only did it because you wanted him too, he enjoyed seeing your smile, it made the days a little less miserable.

Aizawa blinked, smiling a little at the memory. He walked in, wondering through the rows until he found what he was looking for. The paper was old, a bit ripped but otherwise still intact.

Kneeling down, he held it gently as he read it.

'I hope one day I can tell (Y/N) how I feel.'

Standing up, he walked inside, grabbing another one, he scribbled on it, then hung it next to his old one.

"These things are fake..." he grumbled, "but may as well give it a shot."

With a huff, he left the shrine, and carried on walking down the street. Up above, one of the stars twinkled a little brighter

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