Chapter 14

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True to his word, Aizawa kept Gabriel by his side when he couldn't be with his brother, getting his food for him, taking him out of class when things got too much, even taking both boys to the hospital after school.

A few days had passed, Aizawa was sitting at the couch in the staff lounge, Gabriel was sat on the floor next to him silently eating as he read. He had headphones in to block everyone out.

"So, how long are you planning on keep this up Eraser head?" Cementos asked.

"Until his mother returns."

"Why not get his brother to look after him? Students aren't supposed to be in here." Midnight replied.

Aizawa looked up from his phone, staring the other teachers down. They couldn't see the blank look under his bandages.

"Because his brother had friends he eats with, and training for the sports festival."

"Alright, so shouldn't he be training?" She replied.

"No. He's not taking part."

Everyone turned around to face him in shock, the stone cold Eraser Head was bending the rules for a student instead of forcing him to do something.

"Is that even allowed man?!" Hisashi yelled.

Gabriel flinched a little, showing that he could hear the other teacher over his music.

Aizawa glared, taking Gabriel's phone, he turned the music up a little louder.

"He doesn't do well with people, loud noises or attention."

"You're only doing this because your smitten with his mum."

"I mean, it kinda cute if you think about it." Midnight sighed gently, "the stone cold hero taking care of the anxious student."

The others nodding in agreement, Aizawa simply rolled his eyes at them all as the bell went.

"Whelp, we'll continue the teasing later." She waved.

The other left, leaving it just Aizawa and Gabriel who didn't even hear the bell go off. Aizawa nudged Gabriel with his leg, making the teen pull his headphones down, looking slightly upwards it not directly at him.


"It's time for lesson."

He nodded, packing his things up he binned his rubbish and went to gather his books when the teachers lounge door was thrown open. Jessie stood there beside Toshinori and Nezu.

"She's awake." Nezu said.

Gabriel ran to his brother, Aizawa ran walked after them.

"Take my class All Might, I'll take them."

He didn't give he other teacher a chance to reply because he was gone.

"Hey! Stop running!" Aizawa yelled.

Both boys stopped, anxiety filled them as they watched their teacher get closer.

"Please sir! Let us go see mum!" Jessie begged.

"Please...?" Gabriel asked quietly.

"I'm not stopping you, I'm going to take you."

They nodded, walking alongside their teacher to the front of the school where they called for a cab to the hospital.

The car didn't even get a chance to stop outside when both boys were gone. Aizawa sight, climbing out after he laid and trialed into the hospital. He escorted them to your room and let them in.

Inside was already a man, the same man from the other day who was stood with the twins.

Aizawa was stood there, he could hear crying, and you soft raspy voice as you spoke to them.

"Who brought you here...? Weren't you at school?"

"Mr Aizawa took his here!" Jessie replied.

With that, Aizawa began to leave. Only to be stopped by a gently tug on his jumpsuit. Turning around, he sighed as he looked at Gabriel, Jessie and the man.

"Are you Aizawa?" The man asked.

"Yes. What do you want?" He sighed.

"I'm Jet, she's asking for you."

Aizawa headed to the door but froze, he didn't know if he really wanted to go in there. Part of him did, but the other part was nervous to actually face you.

"It's okay..." Gabriel said, patting his teachers back.

"Come on sir! You're taking ages!" Jessie whined.

Aizawa nodded, walking in he closed the door behind him as he headed over to the end of your bed. He never really met your gaze, he didn't even look at you. He simply stood there awkwardly staring out the window.

"It's good to see you're alright... well... for the most part." You said.

Aizawa simply nodded, shuffling around a little.

"I hope the boys didn't give you too much trouble at school." You said.

"No, they're both fine." He replied.

Aizawa glanced at you, just in time to see you nod with a small smile. His heart swelled at the sight, and under his bandages he smiled a little back, forgetting you couldn't see it.

"Well... I should go..."

With that, he headed back to the door. He went to leave but was stopped by your voice.

"Thank you Shota... for protecting me... and looking after the boys... especially Gabriel..."

His eyes widened a little at you using his name, it had been so long he forgot how his name actually sounded coming from you.

He didn't have a chance to reply, Jessie came running past him, Gabriel slipped by and Jet was stood outside.

Aizawa wordless left your room, stopping in front of Jet who gave him a bright smile.

"I heard everything from the boys, I want to thank you personally for looking out for them, and for being there for Gabriel whole his mum was gone."

Jet pat his shoulder and walked away, leaving Aizawa there.

He listened to your voice for a few more moments, instead of seeing your battered and bruised form, or your teary face from years ago. He saw your smile again, and it filled his head, that warm smile that could melt even the coldest of hearts

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