Chapter 3

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A few days after the incident, your family left town. You left without a word, only sending a quick text to Hizashi saying goodbye.

Being a water hero, you made a good name for yourself abroad, going by the hero name 'Rain', you were the first to respond to any scene where you there was a need for a water quirk.

Sitting at your desk in the agency you worked for, you filed your latest report and say back, cracking your knuckles as you grinned.

"Only been here a year and you're flying through the ranks. I'm impressed."

You looked up and smiled at your boss. He had a water quirk too, he went by the name of Jet.

"What can I say, I'm just that good!" You grinned.

He chuckled and ruffled your hair, gesturing for you to follow him so you did, passing along the larger hero as he took you through the building.

"I need you to sit with kids while search and rescue try find their mother and father if that's okay? They're just babies."

You nodded softly and opened the door to the room. Inside was a crib holding a set of twins.

"What are their names?" You asked looking over them.

One had bright blue hair, while the other had pitch black hair.

"The one with the blue hair is Jessie, the black haired boy is Gabriel."

You hummed, nodding as you picked up Jessie who had just begun to stir. Jet gave you a gentle smile before he left the room, leaving you alone with the boys.

Jessie babbled, giggling as he grabbed your nose repeatedly making you laugh. His happy blue eyes making you smile even more.

From inside the crib, Gabriel watched with quiet intent, observing you with his brother but not making a sound.

"Hey buddy.." you whispered, picking him up as well.

You walked to the toys and set them both down, Jessie instantly found joy in the blocks while Gabriel stayed next to your leg, holding a book upside down.

"The polar opposite of your brother huh?" You giggled.

Gently picking him up, you turned the book around and opened it to the first page, holding your fingers to the words as you read to him.

You spent the couple of days in there just caring for them, you even slept there with them.

Today was like any other day, you woke up, showered and tended to the boys.

Hours ticked by of playing, reading, changing and feeding the two babies, with days passing by you were extremely worried.

Picking the boys up, you opened the door with a gentle kicked and wondered through the agency, heading towards Jet's office.

"Jet, Sir?" You called.

He looked up, setting the phone down with a grim look on his face.

"Any word on their parents?"

He nodded, walking over he held his hands out, Jessie practically threw himself at the hero while Gabriel shied away cuddling into you.

"I'm afraid they're gone... police have spend many hours looking relatives to take the kids... but there is none... the mother died in hospital this morning, she asked us to give them to someone trust worthy..."

You both stood in a sad silence, the only sound that filled the room was Jessie's laughs.

You flicked your gaze between the boys, holding Gabriel closer you stared at your boss intently.

"I'll take them."

"W.. what? Do you know how to raise kids? You're so young!"

You shook your head, a gentle smile on your face.

"No, but they deserve to have someone there for them. It's part of a heroes job to make sure people are safe right? Sure I don't have kids, but I can learn. Their mother wants someone trustworthy, I think I'm that. Plus I've watched them this whole time."

Jet looked at you, he looked between the boys and gave a soft chuckle.

"That you are Rain, Alright. But you HAVE to let me help, understood. I won't have you getting overworked."


You both headed back to their makeshift bedroom to set them to sleep, then you wrote a massive list of things you would need.

You knew it was a rash choice, it was going to be hard, but you were okay with that. You couldn't bare to see them bounce through the system or get separated, they were only kids and they'd been through enough

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