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You woke up to the house completely quiet, aside from the sounds coming from the TV.

With a yawn, you stretched and got out of bed, wrapping a blanket around your shoulders, you left the bedroom.

Everyone was asleep, scattered about the room, including Jet who was asleep at the edge of the group.

You quietly padded further along, trying your best now to wake anyone up.

In the far corner of the room was Aizawa, fast asleep against the wall. Gabriel was sleeping on his shoulder while Jessie was next to his brother, a few other students dotted around them.

You wondered over, sitting next to Aizawa, you put your head on his shoulder, covering both of you up with the blanket you went back to bed.

Winter came and went, and it was soon melted into the spring. Life was returning to the world once more, sunrises and sunsets were more beautiful.

You stood there in a beautiful dress, everyone admired you as you stood there. Jet was holding your arm, the evening sun gave you a golden glow.

In the front stood your brides maids, Midnight, and all the girls from the class, on Aizawa's side was Mic, Toshinori, Nezu and the boys from 1-A.

"YEAH MISS (Y/N)!" The class cheered.

You laughed as you walked down the Aisle, soft music played in the background.

Jet led you to the front, kissing your cheeks he passed your hands to Aizawa, who carefully helped you up.

"Are you sure about this? It's a bit rushed." He said softly.

You laughed, nodding your head as you held his hands a little tighter.

"Of course I am idiot, I wouldn't agree if I wasn't."

There was laughter from everyone, Gabriel came to stand next to you and Jessie and Shinsuo stood next to Aizawa.

The ceremony started and everyone watched with teary eyes, the sunset adding to the special moment.

" may now kiss the bride."

Aizawa wasted no time in pulling you in, electing from cheers and yells from the crowd.

When you guys pulled away, you smiled softly at one another, turning to face everyone you grinned brightly.

Aizawa wrapped an arm around you, and the two boys in his side, while you wrapped your arm around the teen on your side.

"Now were one big family!" Jessie cheered.

Everyone laughed as all of you stood for pictures to be taken. Jet ran in to join, and soon enough so did the whole class.

"Look at all my kids!" You giggled, "such a huge family!"

"We cannot adopt them all, don't even think about it."

You pouted lightly, spinning around to wrap your arms around Shinsou, nudging Aizawa to the twins.

"Yeah, but since you adopt Shinsou, I was wondering if he would let me be his mother?"

You turned to the purple haired boy who stared in shock, tears filled his eyes and he nodded, gently hugging you back.

"Thank you..." he whispered.

Aizawa wrapped his arms around the twins, making them look at him with smiles.

"In that case, I would like to adopt these two. It is completely up to you two, but the offer will always stand."

The crowd went quiet once more, you and Shinsuo looked over, the twins both looked at Aizawa before wrapping their arms around him.

"Sure why the hell not!" Jessie laughed.

"I would really like that..." Gabriel whispered.

With that, everything fell into place. Yeah, people were bound by fate, and when they were all together you finally felt complete

Bound by fate (Aizawa x reader) Where stories live. Discover now