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"SHE WHAT?!" I watched from behind the doors as Jet and Droy turned in the news. I didn't want to face the guild, I couldn't. So, they let me stay behind.

"Poor Levy."

"How did that happen?"

"Who would've known this would have happened?"

"It's unbelievable."

"Where is she?"

As the questions kept piling up, the two just kept looking back and forth between each other with a note of sadness and guilt in their eyes. If only I did the mission right. It's my fault they feel guilty anyways.

"She doesn't want to be bothered right now. So, please, don't go and talk to her at the moment," Droy announced to whoever was in the guild. 

"Alright. If that's what she needs then. We should give that to her," Mira said.

"I agree. No one shall bother Levy for now," Ezra said, her usually self standing proud. 

But, truth be told, I'm not sure if I'll ever be able to face them again. I wouldn't be able to handle all them talking to me about what happened a few days ago. All the voices, piling on top of each other.

Soon I realized what got me thinking like that. Everyone in the guild started talking about me. My heart started pounding in my chest for no good reason I could think of. A trickle of sweat ran down the back of my neck. 

My now watery eyes went to take one last look at the guild for the day. When I looked inside my eyes were met with someone I knew well.

"Levy-" was the words that were mouthed. Somehow I knew it instantly. But I shook my head in response.

Lucy looked disappointed at my response, but she seemed to accept it. She gave me a weak smile from where she stood at the back. I didn't even bother to try to give a smile to her. 

After a few seconds, my feet led me down the road back to my place. I wasn't aware of my dirty face with mud specks and my clothes partly torn. This was at the bottom on my lost of concerns right now though. 

"Hey mom! Look! I think she's from Fairy Tail!" A young boy, probably about 7 years old, pulled his mom's arm and pointed at me with the other.

He broke away from her and started walking towards me. "You're from Fairy Tail, right?" At first I didn't say anything until I nodded. "When I'm older can I join too?" Again, I did nothing but nod. This probably gave off the wrong vibe.

I didn't know which way to communicate with him until I looked up at his mom. 

'Can you understand sign language?' she asked me. 

'Yes, a friend taught me some a few years ago,' I told her back, using sign language.

She placed a hand on her son's shoulder and told him something I couldn't see. "Oh, okay then." He turned to me and started using the same sign language his mother had just used to communicate with me just seconds ago.

'How is it in Fairy Tail?'

'One of the best experiences you'll ever have.'

'Do you really think I could join in a few years?'

'As long as you keep practicing I'm sure you can.'

'If I do join and you're still there, will you remember me?'

'Sure will.' He beamed at that. 

'I'll remember you too, miss.' He walked up as put his arms out wide. I crouched down as he hugged me when I was down to about his height. Once he let go he grabbed his mom's arm again and they started walking back.

The boy waved to me as they went past me. It was then when I took a look at the woman's ear. She was deaf as you could see she only had one ear. One ear that was wiped off clean. It made me wonder what happened to her but even if I could talk I wouldn't have asked her.

When the boy and his mom were out of my sight I continued walking back to my place. No one else came up to me or started talking to me. A quiet walk the rest of the way for the most part. 

Finally, I had reached my place. A wave of comfort took over me as I breathed in a deep breath.

But the wave of comfort quickly faded as I found the door was unlocked when I first went to open it. Scared at first I grabbed a knife I stole from my last mission. Yet another reminder of what happened, but again, one of my least concerns at the moment.

I scanned out the entire place but there was no one and nothing out of the usual there. Maybe I just forgot to lock up the place when I left. It's not like this didn't happen before. Sometimes I'll just forget to lock up. The only people to ever break in was Gajeel (once because he needed a pencil), Jet (twice looking for a plushie), Droy (once because he remembered I took his shoe the day before and never gave it back (it was a bet he lost)), and Lucy (she wanted help for starting one of her chapters). At least it was never anybody I didn't know.

From under my bed was a stack of papers. Most were ideas of a wide variety I would write down, others just moments I had. I started writing on a blank piece of paper I had at the bottom of the pile. On it I wrote:

Hi, I'm Levy Mcgarden
I'm a member of Fairy Tail
And mute since last week

Hey! Thanks for reading this chapter, it means a lot. This is my first Fairy Tail fanfiction that I'll be writing. Hopefully I don't suck at it :/ 

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