Fish, Ded and Otherwise

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"So maybe I lied a little bit." Agent 8 said to Pearl as soon as they were outside.

Pearl looked at 8 with confusion. "What are you talking about?"

"I have another theory." 8 said, taking a wistful glance towards the sky. "About the Salmonids."

"What about them?" Pearl asked, getting annoyed at how long it was taking 8 to get to the point.

"I already have an idea of where they could be underground, and it's not a good sign."

"Just tell me where already!"

Agent 8 directed Pearl's attention to a certain set of stairs leading underground. "The Deep Sea Metro." She said with a somber tone.

Pearl's eyes lit up at the sense of adventure. "Well, why didn't you say so sooner! Let's go!"

8 smiled at her. "Right this way, then."

The stairs seemed to go on forever. They kept going deeper and deeper until it started to feel like the sun itself didn't exist. The place smelled wet, and there was a constant dripping noise as well. Pearl, although she wouldn't admit it, felt a strong sense of unease.

At some point, Pearl realized, 8 must have changed. She was now wearing a black leather crop-top and skirt, with matching (and very stylish) black leather boots. However, like always, 8 was also wearing a golden toothpick on her ear that Pearl didn't really understand. Pearl had asked what was so special about it before, but 8 had just shuddered and said she didn't want to think about it.

After what felt like ages they finally reached the bottom of the stairs. Pearl wanted to look around a little, but 8 immediatly pulled her to the metro, saying there'd be time for exploration later, but now was not the time. Pearl didn't argue, though, as she really wanted to see inside the metro itself the most.

8 continued to pull Pearl through, until they got to the front, where C.Q. Cumber was.

C.Q. Cumber turned around to face them.

"Welcome aboard." He said in a mostly formal, but slightly tired, voice.

8 crossed her arms. "What can you tell me about the Salmonids?"

C.Q. Cumber didn't have a face, so he was always expressionless. However, Pearl could've sworn he looked surprised before returning back to a neutral state.

"I am simply the conductor." He answered, looking away. "So I cannot-"

"Fine then!" 8 interrupted. "Take me to the Salmonids!"

Pearl was expecting C.Q. Cumber to argue, or at the very least deny it. But instead he said "That is a forbidden station. Are you sure you wish to go there?"

"Wha-?" 8 was shocked that it worked.

"You have collected all 4 Thangs and ascended to the Promised Lands. That gives you the proper credentials to go to all Stage 1 Forbidden Stations, 10,008. That is in regulations."

8 stood there for another moment, still in shock before saying "Uhh... yeah. Take me there."

"Please take a seat." C.Q. Cumber responded. "The metro will begin moving momentarily."

Pearl and 8 quickly made their way to another car and sat down.

"Did that seriously work?" Pearl asked, just as suprised as 8.

8 nodded. "Guess so." The metro began moving quickly. And it felt like it was going even farther underground. After a while, it finally stopped.

C.Q. Cumber specifically went up to Agent 8. "This is your stop. Do you wish to take the Inkling with you?" 8 nodded. "Understood. Take care out there."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2021 ⏰

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