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"Man, I think I'm getting married." Salim declared, eyes fixated on a brunette lady that just walked past in front of them. She's got the body of a nymph but her face is another story entirely.

They are sitting in a park after jogging around the neighbourhood of the hotel that blessed morning. In a few hours, they are going for this tour they were there for to check out the best remarkable place for Salim's father to set out his business. Imad wasn't sure why he was brought there since he is dealing with the company's finance and not market. Maybe because he was there to learn more business strategies and to make his father proud.

"If you are going to get married, marry that grumpy Lateefa. Maybe that'd soften her grumpiness." Imad sucked his lower lip inside his mouth when Salim's eyes widened in galvanization.

Something definitely happened between the two, he is now hundred and two sure of it.

After schooling his expression, he then rolled his eyes, the guy is clearly pulling his legs. "That lady or should I say, hoyden will think I'm disparaging her when it is the other way around." He twisted his lips in distaste, surely remembering something horrendous Lateefa did then added, "Besides, marriage is not what I think about now." He stopped to shake his head off the idea, "Not after your failed one."

Imad terminate a sigh from coming out, that acerbic taste mingling in his mouth. The sudden feeling of betrayal that enveloped him is malignant but he forced himself to push it back and think about something else. Thinking about the past will lead to something he'd regret, he is not about to joke with his health anymore. His brother won't be so proud of him if that happens, he's been working his ass off to get him on his feet.

"Don't think about other people's marriage when you want your own to work out. If you are really into someone and know her well enough, don't hold back. I don't regret getting married to the one person I loved." He permitted a far away pensive look to envelope his eyes, glossing it over as he stared at geriatric woman walking her puppy. "Not knowing her enough is what I regretted though." He gave a shrug, composing himself back.

Salim gave a distinct prominent shake of his head, not believing anything Imad had just said.

He has been there right from the beginning of their love story, even played some parts in it. How does he expect him to just throw all that love he's once believed in and move on with his own life? They inculcate love in his head, made it grow so wide that he was envious of what they had for so long only for it to shatter into tiny fragments and smithereens. He does not believe love exists anymore, it does not matter what he thinks anyway.

The only way to induce and influx love in his head is when Amirah and Imad get back together and from the look of things and where it is going, that is never going to happen. The two already moved on way before they met again which further parted the silver lining between them. It is actually pensive, mere thought of their marriage being broken just like that. Their love story is the most unorthodox one he's ever seen.

"That is because you've experienced what love is. Maybe I have been in love but it wasn't strong enough for me to want to get tied with that person." Salim hit on a pooched stone on the floor then stood up to leave.

Imad chortled lowly, not getting why people are so against love when he'd want to go through what he did years ago again but just not the pain. That love he's shared with Amirah, he wants to live more into it. He just made a promiscuous choice taking Amirah without fully reading out who she is. She never gave him any reason to doubt her or what was between them. Her innocence helped succor all the histrionics.

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