62: LUCID.

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Imad left the hospital with soggy legs, he feels down with all the news he just found out from the doctor and that is not even the real story. She is a doctor and there is no way she hasn't seen so many things, how could she say Amirah's is something she's never seen in over five years? What has happened to Amirah when she was giving birth to the girl currently lying her head on his shoulder and sucking her thumb without the care of the world?

Everything feels heavy, blurry and complicated. The mere sight of himself in the windows of his car terrified him and made him nauseous. He is not a man, seriously, he isn't. Who goes forward and beyond to ruin the person he claimed to love? And for what, for revenge? Something she's suffered way before, she is going through another for the sake of his ego. He never wants to be wrong, that is something he despises. He always wants his perspective to be right and that always lead to his doom.

Sighing, he opened the car and settled in, Najla still sitting on his thighs. Maybe they should go shop her baby car seat and other toys a small girl of two and a half would want. There is no update from Akram, his chest is beating at an abnormal race. He is now horrified about what they will find. Is the illness still eating her up or those money covered her back to where she was before? He cannot say it but he doesn't want to find out, not now at least.

Not when he is this overwhelmed and not even comfortable with his own baby. His own child is not talking to him and that is because he is not giving her the vibes that he wants to talk. His mind is preoccupied and that needs to change. This was supposed to be a father and daughter outing the minute they paid off the debt in the hospital. The one their neighbour is owing them will have to be paid through his secretary. He doesn't want to deal with people like that.

He found out that she was planning on sending them to the station because of money less than fifty thousand and she knows they don't have it. What has the world turn into? Money is just blinding people everywhere that they forget what compassion means or even the right of a neighbour upon one another. People are forgetting about death, living the way they want to without any care. They are forgetting that that Angel will be sent to them, to us and to everyone and that ground beneath us shall be dug for everyone! You are going to meet them -your deeds good or bad- answer those questions and live in that terrifying place we always hear about. It is going to happen but people chose to forget about it now. He also did at one point.

"Hey, Najla." The girl raise her head at him to smile, removing the thumb from her mouth but didn't say anything. He now thought, he could ask her to call him daddy right? Will she do it?

After a few seconds while he was mulling, she opened her small mouth and shyly whispered. "Hello." He grinned wider at this, she is getting there.

"I am your daddy. You know what that means hmm? Your father?" He is busy grinning like an idiot and in all honestly, he can't remember the last time he's smiled so wide.

"Daddy?" She inclined her head to the side looking confused but the sound of her asking about the daddy only made him happier. They are getting there, small steps.

It is easy for him to push the fact that he is her father because though Arwa and Aminu spend most of their days with her for some reasons hidden, they never once insinuate that they are her real parents. One way or the other, Amirah would want to have her daughter back and then what? Complicate things further beyond anyone's jurisdiction to solve? They only ask her to call them aunt and uncle which she did. She calls Amirah Mami or Mamita.

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