PART TWO// "It's my birthday, shit..."

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"It's my birthday, shit. Do you wanna hang out at my place? I could use some company other than my sister." I said awkwardly. "Yeah sure, just give me the address and I can meet you there." They said with a slight smile. "Alright, I can put it into your phone or..?" I asked. "Put it into my GPS." They said passing me their phone. I smiled and typed my address into their phone. "See you in..35 minutes. According to Google." I laughed. They smiled and waved as they pulled off. I walked back to my car and drove home.

"Hey, here's my key. Can you open the door. I'm running out of hands." I laughed and shut my car door with my hip. They nodded and walked up to the door and unlocked it. We walked in and my sister poked her head out of her room. "TJ? Why are you here?" She asked in a bitchy tone. "Woah, I asked them to come over for a bit. It's my house, last time I checked I pay the bills and my name is on this house." I rolled my eyes. "Shut up. We aren't kids anymore. We're both adults, you can't boss me around anymore." She said walking out and taking her coffee. "I'm still your older sister. Mom and dad aren't here, I'm all you have. And clean up my fucking kitchen." I said hanging my jacket up on the rack and taking my shoes off. TJ looked at me confused, I gestured for them to follow me upstairs to my office room. "I still have to work.. even on my birthday." I sighed and put my glasses on. "Can't you take the day off?" Tj asked while sitting down on my couch. "I could but I wouldn't get paid. I need my paycheck to pay for this house. I work as a tattoo artist and a assistant." I rolled my eyes. "Take the day off, your other job can help pay some bills then if you need help you can ask me." They smiled and shrugged. "I have nothing to do, I literally have one friend." I laughed and walked over to my bookshelf to put back a book. "You could hang out with me and my friends." They said walking over to me. "I wouldn't fit in with your friends. Plus, you really don't have to spend the day with me." I gave them a fake smile and pulled out 'Moonlight Magic A Guide For Moon Magic.' I laughed and opened the book when a note fell out.

"I want to, you forgot your own birthday. That shows you never celebrate it. I wanna take you to do something fun...what's that?" They pointed to the note with a red moon stamp that was keeping the envelope closed. "No clue. But I guess I can hang out with you and your friends. What would we even do?" I asked opening the letter. I read the note getting more and more confused with every sentence.

"Summer, you'll find this note around your 23 birthday. You might be wondering why this note is in the book that it was in. Moon Magic is what your ancestors did and now some of their children practice it today. I don't have much time, your father has been taken. I'm sorry, I wish I could explain it all. Go to our old lake house, your father's study in the basement, that's where you will find the answers. The key is in the moon. Remember keep your friends close but the ones you hate closer. Trust nobody, I love you Summer." It was from my aunt Leona, she passed away when I was 16.

"Hey can we go to my parents old lake house today? I have stuff to do there, I really wanna go." I said with a smile. I didn't want to tell them since my aunt said 'Trust Nobody.' "Yeah, we can do whatever you want. Let me text my friends, we should have a party for you there me and my friends can decorate it and stuff." They said with a smile. "Okay, invite your friends if you want. I'm gonna invite my cousin Kaylee." I said putting the note in my mini backpack.

Moonlight Magic// Terra Juana FFWhere stories live. Discover now