/Part Four/

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Me and TJ walked to my dad's study and found a letter. I read it in shock.

"Summer, my darling. Happy birthday, honey. I'm writing this to tell you what really happened. Me and your mother are being executed for having human-witch relations. Your mother has the gift of prophesy, and so do you. Alexandra saw your future, you're future is greater than you could ever imagine..your mom seen what you would become and who you will have alongside you. There's a book in my office drawer. It's an ancient spell book if anything happens to that there's another one in your mother's office.

Your sister doesn't know because she's human. You inherited your mother's magical jeans. I leave these keys for you, there are slots for them in your mother's office. The bookshelves. I must go, they're here for me.

          Love, Zoltan Malden.

I wiped away my tears and picked up the keys. TJ was standing outside the door waiting. "Here, hold these. Do not lose them." I said handing them the keys. They nodded and went back to scrolling through Instagram. I walked back into my dad's study and looked through his office drawers until I found a big dusty spellbook. I smiled proudly and walked back out after putting the book in my backpack. "Okay, my mother and father weren't killed in a tragic accident. They were killed by some elder witches or something." I said locking my dad's door back.

"Okay, and what's up with the keys?" They asked. "I dunno yet, they go into secret slots in my mother's study. If my hunch is right we'll know where the slots are." I smiled and open the door. I saw Carmen and my sister making out on the table. "Uh, get out of here! You have your own room." I said rolling my eyes. My sister groaned and dragged her friend out of the room. "Okay, look for anything that is associated with the moon or witches." I said gazing at the bookshelves. "Up there!" I pointed at the second to the last shelf at the top. TJ grabbed my mom's desk chair and stepped on it. 333 facts about witchcraft." They said showing me. "There's a hole." They helped me onto the chair and handed me the key. I put the key in and twisted it. "What happened?" I asked scared. "Nothing. I'll try to find the one for this key." They sighed and looked around. "Down here." They said bending down.

"We'll turn the keys at the same time." I said looking down at them. They nodded and counted to three on their fingers. We twisted the keys and there were a few clicking sounds and the bookshelves began to open. It was a long staircase that seemed to go on forever. "Should we go up it?" I asked confused, TJ looked at me and rolled their eyes. "We obviously have to." They said walking up the first 5 or so steps. 

"Hurry up, the party starts soon

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"Hurry up, the party starts soon." They laughed at my anxiousness. I walked up the stairs and held TJ's hand. "This is scary, can we walk faster?" I asked quietly. 

I stepped off the top stair and opened the door to see a very well-kempt room, I was shocked at how nice it looked compared to the staircase. I turned and laughed at how extra it was. "Your mom wanted a safe place for you to practice your magic." TJ smiled as she let go of my hand. 

"Yeah, I never knew this was up here

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"Yeah, I never knew this was up here. I just thought that this was a boring old attic..probably why my mom put this room here instead of downstairs." I thought aloud. TJ wandered around looking at everything until they stopped suddenly. "What? What did you find?" I asked running over to them. "What's this symbol?" They asked running their hands on the chalk-covered wall. There was a symbol written in chalk on the wall, I recognized it from somewhere but I couldn't put my finger on it.

 There was a symbol written in chalk on the wall, I recognized it from somewhere but I couldn't put my finger on it

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"The Triple Goddess symbol. I've seen it before..I just don't know where..." I ran my fingers on the wall and seen something. Everything flashed white and then I saw my parents arguing. 

"We have to tell her, the council will be here any day!" My father yelled as my mother continued to draw the symbol. "I don't care, she's a kid. She'll doesn't need to get involved in this!" My mom yelled and the lights started to flicker. "Okay, your right. We can tell her when she's older. She's probably waiting for us. Hurry with the symbol.." My father said as he walked out of the room. I came back to reality and seen TJ taking a picture of the symbol. "What are you doing?" I asked. "Taking a picture, I might as well remember these things." They said shutting off their phone and smiling. "Okay, we gotta get back though. I'll fill you in later. Let's take one last look around the room first." I said looking in the box on the table. I found a note and a bunch of seashells. "I found another note." I said to TJ. "Read it and take a picture on your phone. We really have to get back. Lizzie is blowing up my phone." They said urgently. I read it quickly and took a picture. 

       Summer, if your reading this you have found the other notes and you know a little bit of what happened. I and your father are being killed, there is a key in our bedroom. It's in our safe, the code is 14932. The Council knows your powers are awakening, they'll send people to bring you in. They will use you, do not go with them. There is nothing greater than your magic, you have the power of one of the most powerful women of all time. Your great grandmother Cassidy was the first elder's granddaughter. The magic gets more powerful over time. Use it only for good and don't let the choices of others affect you.


I smiled and closed the box. "Hurry, we have to go." TJ said practically dragging me out of the room. I ran down the stairs and walked into my mom's office through the bookcase. "Come on. Your sister said she's in the pool with everyone else." TJ said walking out the front door and dragging me with them. We walked through the gate and waited until somebody noticed we were there. "There you are, where were you guys?" My sister asked. "TJ took me to a rose garden, we walked," I said letting go of their hand. 

Moonlight Magic// Terra Juana FFWhere stories live. Discover now