Who is He

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AN: This is my first ever fanfic and I hope you enjoy it. I am not the best at spelling so if you see any mistakes tell me because I want to improve. I will try to update often with my free time as my area is in lockdown but I still have school so no promises. Also just for clarification Chloe is 17 and in her last year of school while Ash is 18.

"Uhhh... Why can't I fall asleep and why is he in my head" Menaly screamed a young girl with dark maroon hair. You see this girl was the oldest daughter of the Professor of the vermilion city, Sakura Cerise. (I couldn't find his first name so I use his Japanese name, Tell me if any of you know it) Currently, Chloe was trying to fall asleep but the events of the day are keeping her up. How about we go back and see what happened earlier that day.


"Bye Dad" Chloe called out as she picked up her bag.

"Bye honey have fun at school" Professor Cerise called out as she went through the lab door.

As Chloe began to walk down the hill from the lab to her school she began to think 'I wonder how the official opening of the lab will go. I'll make sure to get home in time to be there to help.'

---Time skip---

Chloe is currently having lunch with her two friends Mika and Natasha in the school garden, where Natasha just ask Chloe "Your dad's lab is opening soon right?" 

"Yeah it's opening today after school" Chleo responded

"So does that mean that you can't come to the docks like we planned" Mika pouted?

"No dad scheduled the opening to happen at sunset so that he can display how his lab can light up the night, so I have time to make it back to the lab after we explore the docks for a bit." Chloe clarified to relive her friend.

"I just know we are going to find so many cute guys there." Mika squealed as she procced to drift off into space imagining all the boys they would see.

"Maybe we could finally find a boy for little miss smarty over here" Natasha commented while nudging Chleo's shoulder and giving her a suggestive look.

"You guys know that I am just wanting to focus on my study and not pointless relationships," Chloe responded with a huff.

"We know but that can't stop us from trying to find you the perfect man" Natasha teased.

*Ding dong*

"There is the sound of tintinnabulation so it's time to get to class," Chloe said with a sigh.  (AN: I just learnt that word while writing this and it means the sound of a bell or chime)

"I don't know what you just call the bell but yeah let's get to class" Mika commented.

---Time skip---

School has finished all too slowly and Chloe and her friends have arrived at the docks and are sitting on a bench watching the waves, or at least she was.

"What about the guy over there" Mita suggested while pointing her finger to what seems like the one-hundredth guy they have been trying to get to take an interest in.

"Can you guys just stop I'm not looking for a guy right now?!" Chloe exasperated. 

"But if we don't help you I don't think you will ever get a man" Natasha screamed with fake worry. 'Actually, it was only haft fake' Natasha thought to herself. 

"As I said at school I'm just not looking for a relationship right now," Chloe said with a bit of frustration. She then looked at her watch and saw the time and panicked a little. "Sorry but I have to go help my dad set up the lab, see you next week at school" Chloe stated as she stood up.

"See you at school," Mika and Natasha said together before they continued to talk about boys. 


I had only gone a few meters away from Mika and Natasha when a large wave spoked me and caused me to trip and begin to fall in the water when I felt a grip around my hand. Shocked I looked up and saw a man in a traditional royal blue hooded cloak with light blue edges, the cloak covered his entire body but she could see two hazel brown eyes that made my legs suddenly grow weak. 

"You should be more careful," The man said while pulling me back to my feet where I get a better look at him and notice a yellow mouse with a lighting shaped tail, it's a Pikachu I think.

"Thank you" I thank, "My name is Chloe what is yo.."When I was interrupted by a defining raw. I turn around to see Lugia emerging from the water and several trainers taking out their pokemon in an attempt to battle it to which they were quickly defeated in a single his by the psychic-flying legendary. I was about to turn to face my savour when he said. 

"Excuse me but I have a pokemon to beat." This is what he stated as he walked past me towards the legendary bird.

I watched in curiosity as he walked toward the on what he was going to do. When I saw him reach the pier closes to Lugia where the Pikachu on his shoulder jump off and produce an electrifying beam toward the white bird to which Lugia screamed in pain as the bright yellow light made contact. 

When the light faded I nearly fell over again in shock when I saw the legendary pokemon falling from the sky unconscious and land on pire. The cloaked man then walked up to the leader of the legendary birds and place his hand on its head where a swear I saw a blue light coming from it. I was too shocked to notice that Lugia had recovered and was sat up only to bow. The cloaked figure signalled his Pikachu to climb onto his shoulder and climbed up onto the back of the white beast who took off as soon as he was on.

---Time skip---

I was just arriving at my father's lab which took longer than necessary to get to because of how long it took to recover from the shock of what happened at the docks. I open the door and seen yamper running up to me barking. I pick him up and walk to where my dad is hosting the opening and see that I took way too long because all the seats were full and my dad giving a talk about what he hopes to achieve with this lab and so on, I had heard it so many time that I just went upstairs to do my homework.

After some time all the guests have left and I come downstairs to see when we are going home but what I saw made me almost trip for the third time that day. In the lobby of the lab, a saw the cloaked figure coming through the door he looked around an noticed me and ask

"Do you know where Professor Sakura Cerise is?" The cloaked man asks, without the smashing of the waves I can hear his voice better and am surprised because he sounds only just older than me.

After hiding the shock of that realisation I answered "I think he is down the hall in his lab."

"Thank you," the figure says and was about to walk down the hall when my dad come out and see the man and proceeds to smile.

"Ah I see you made it, come up to my office and we'll talk there." Dad said to the hooded man, he then turns to me and informs me that "We will go home after I speak to him so can you have your stuff packed up soon" after which he leads the strange man upstairs.

---End Flashback---

I slam my pillow onto my face in anger, I know that it will make my hair even worse in the morning but I don't care right now because I just can't get that man out of my head.

AN: And this is the end of my first ever fanfic, If you have any suggestions or noticed any mistakes be sure to comment. Until next time or whatever comment thread, you see me in.

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