The Document

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AN: Hey readers I have another chapter ready for you. Before we begin I would like to apologize for not working on this as my as I would have liked but school has become crazy with covid in my area. And secondly HOW THE HELL DID I GET 3rd IN ASH KETCHUM. I am no longer there but still how did I get there. Anyway, rant over enjoy the chapter.

Chloe POV:


It has been 2 days since Dad, Goh and I have returned from Galar and it's been fairly normal, or at least as normal as it can get around here. However today the news apparently got wind that 'Ash' beat Leon, breaking his undefeated streak.

"What someone managed to beat Leon" Goh bellowed from across the kitchen eating his breakfast.

"Did you have to yell," I crossly retort as I continue to finish getting ready for school.

"Wait what's this about someone beating Leon," Ren asks as he, Chrysa and my Dad walk in.

"Look," Goh says pointing to the TV.

"In a press conference, last night one reporter asks 'How does it feel to be completely undefeated,' When Leon gave an answer no one expected, 'I can't tell you anymore because I am no longer undefeated. After further questioning, it was discovered that the World Monarch had a 1 on 1 battle where he used his Charizard and lost, the day after he won the World Coronation Series. The identity of the man who beat Leon is still unknown as he asked our world Monarch to not reveal his identity to anyone."

"Wow someone really beat Leon" Ren spoke in awe and disbelief.

"And so soon after being crowned World Monarch," Chrysa commented.

"I have an idea who it could be" Dad stated in a voice that showed he was unsure about himself.

"Really, who is it, do I know them, Can I meet them," Goh begged as he can across the room at speeds I swear he just teleported. 

"They wanted to keep it a secret. And I don't know yet anyway" Dad said backing away from Goh a bit.

"Well, I have to get to school now. Come on Eevee." I call my partner who was playing with yamper. Eevee runs out of the door with me walking beside her. "Do you think they know that it was Ash" I question the evolution pokemon, who just tilts its head. "your right they probably don't"

---Time skip---

School has finished for the day and I have just arrived at the laboratory from school to see my Dad coming out of the front door.

"Hi dad" I call once I got closer to him.

"Hi, Chloe. I'm going to get something to eat, do you want to come," Dad offered.

"No, I had enough food at school," I decline

"Ok take care of the lab while I'm gone as Goh is with the pokemon and Ren and Chrysa are on a date" dad instructed.

"Wait since when have they been a couple," I said in shock. 'I did not see that coming'

"I know I was just as shocked as you are but apparently they have been dating for two months, today was the first I heard about it as well," Dad spoke with his voice displaying his past shock.

"Well I'll just be doing some homework" informed my dad still not fully over the shock of this revelation.

After doing homework for a bit my mind begins to wander onto the different things and finally falls on what has been on my mind for the past month. "How can I find more about him" I ponder to myself.

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