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Every fiber in her body was betraying her. Every breath felt like a sin, her heart was shattered into pieces, and her soul only held reminiscence of whom she lost. She wasn't herself anymore; her smooth golden-bronze skin was dull now, while her dove grey orbs were void of any shine. She felt suffocated; she felt as if she didn't deserve to live. 

How could she? When a part of her was gone forever, even before she could hold her tiny fingers and memorize her features. The same features which reflected the essence of both her and her love. A mother had lost her child, her daughter; One of the most significant losses a woman can go through. 

It's a gut-wrenching pain no one can understand; No pain can compare to what a mother feels when she loses her child—burring your baby instead of bringing her home—mourning over her loss instead of beaming with joy over her arrival. 

Mannat questioned her God every day, asking why he would give her one of the biggest blessings in life, just to snatch it away. That's when her husband, the love of her life, told her that God would never give his children trials without knowing they can persevere, and them losing their baby just happened to be one of the most significant tests they both had to go through. 

It had been two months since Mannat and Zachary had lowered their daughter into her grave; Two months since the two had smiled, two months since their home heard echoes of laughter and joy which resonated in every nook and cranny. After that unfaithful day, they had lost a part of themselves too. Moving on was far from their reality, and each day weighed heavily on their hearts. 

Mannat blamed herself for the loss of their baby regardless of what her gynecologist told her. She had gone into premature labor, which caused complications to arise. Once their baby girl was born, everything seemed fine until Dr. Addison informed the two about their daughter's condition; she had developed Respiratory Distress Syndrome, common in premature births. But even after many attempts, their baby girl could not survive. When Zach broke the news to his wife, she was shattered; the baby girl she held in her arms a few hours ago was no longer amongst them. 

Since that moment, Zach had lost his Mannat; she wasn't the same woman he fell in love with; It seemed as if she was breathing only to survive, not to live. The worst part was that not only did Zachary lose his daughter, but he had lost his wife too, and that was the worst pain any father and husband could go through. 

Every day for the past month, their routine had been the same. Mannat would go to her construction sites and finalize her architectural designs for upcoming projects; While Zachary would go to his law firm and deal with his cases. Their routine would have stayed the same if Zach hadn't decided that he would bring back his Mannat; he had vowed to bring back the happiness their family had once lost. 

Zach knew the battle Mannat was going through was something she had to fight herself. As much as he wanted to take her pain, he knew she had to overcome this without his help. 

Depression is inconspicuous and unheard of. The pain that's too much to cope with, too hard to deal with. However, overcoming that pain and coming out more vital is upon that individual, and Mannat had realized that and was willing to take a step towards recovery.

Later that night, for the first time in those two months Zachary and Mannat grieved together. They poured out their pain, agony, and fears. The two cried until no tears were left; Mannat's pain was expressible because she was a mother, but Zach's pain was buried somewhere deep; he had held himself together so that Mannat wouldn't lose her sanity. 

But that night, the two had found comfort in each other's embrace, found the courage to grow from their pain, and rekindled their love that was lost; and that night marked a hopeful tomorrow for them. Because sometimes, blessings can come when you least expect them, and for Mannat and Zachary, everything was about to change for the better. 


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Hey all! I am back with yet another update for you all. Sooo, how's the story guys? 

Isn't Janice doing a great job with getting us hitched? 

Well this update was planned for tomorrow but since I know I can't do it tomorrow it's here now. Enjoy! 

And don't forget to drop in your votes and comments so we get motivated by this and update as fast as we could.

Till then, bye bye

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