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e p i l o u g e

time skip to 2 days: the squad already met up with Vivaan and Divya and Ayansh and Aria and are living, with Ayansh and Aria at their apartment.

You woke up with nervous and excited butterflies in your stomach. Today was the day you were to be married to the most amazing man you had ever met. You turned over in bed to see him already awake, smiling brightly at you.

"Good morning soon to be, Mrs. Shekwat." You giggle and lean in to kiss him.

"Good morning my beautiful husband-to-be." He grins widely and kisses your forehead.

"So I guess this is the last time I will see you before I'm walking down the aisle." Ayansh stares at you for a few moments, taking in the sight of you.

"I can't believe the next time I see you are when you're in that beautiful dress. Oh my gosh, it's not even time yet and I already feel like I am going to cry." You see a tear slip out of the corner of his eye and quickly wipe it away.

"Sweetheart, don't cry!"

"I can't help it I'm just so happy. I'm going to be a mess when I see you." You take his face in your hands and kiss him deeply. It's salty from his tears but you don't care at all. You pull away and that beaming smile is still on his face.

"I should probably get ready to go. Even though I don't want to. Can't we just get married here in our pajamas?" Ayansh laughs at that.

"I think it's a little late for that y/n."

"You're right. Okay, I'm gonna go now."

"Alright my love. See you at the altar."

You're standing in front of the mirror, looking at yourself and almost not believing the person looking back is you. This is all so surreal to you. You didn't think you would ever get so lucky to meet the person who completed you so wholly, who truly was your other half. You were starting to get emotional, you could feel the tears welling up behind your eyes but you knew Siya and Kiara would kill you if you messed up the makeup they worked so hard on before you even had to read your vows.

There is a soft knock on the door.

"Ayansh? What are you doing?" You walk over to the door and press your ear against it.

"Listen I know there's that whole superstition about it being bad luck to see the bride before the wedding but I'm so freaking nervous I'm shaking." You crack open the door and stick your hand out. He immediately grabs it holding it tightly.

"What are you so nervous about?"

"I just don't want to mess anything up. I'm used to having attention on me because of my career, but this is nothing compared to that. What if I forget what I wanted to say for my vows? What if I trip? Or what if you get cold feet or something I don't know!"

"Ayansh close your eyes." He does as he's told and you open the door fully. You place your hands over his eyes and place a firm kiss on his lips. "I am not going to get cold feet. I love you so much I couldn't imagine ever leaving you. And so what if you trip? Do you see the size of these heels I'm wearing? I'm probably going to trip too!" He chuckles at that. "And if you forget your vows then just speak from your heart. It's okay. You're going to be fine I promise." You kiss him one more time and he lingers for a little bit longer, needing to feel you close. You uncover his eyes and step back into the room.

"Thank you, Aria."

"You're welcome Ayansh. Now go on out there! I'll see you soon."

Ayansh couldn't believe it's finally the moment when he will be yours. No hiding. No sneaking out to see each other. Everything just seems so perfect.

"I believe the bride and groom have prepared their vows. Ayansh?" The priest says.

He takes a deep breath to steady his voice.

"Ah, I love you so much. I completely forgot what I wanted to say. You made my brain stop working the second I saw you." You laugh as does he. "Is this happening like, you're here? I'm not dreaming?"

"No, Ayansh. This is real. You feel the warmth of my hands in yours?" He nods his head.

"I just can't believe I'm marrying you. You're perfect. You always were so understanding of my job and how hectic my life is. You've always been there for me through the good times and the bad. When things were stressful, you held me while I cried. You took care of me, always. You're so kind and so beautiful I can't believe a person like you exists, let alone wants to marry me. I just love you so much Aria. I-" His voice cracks. "Ah, I'm sorry everyone I'm a mess."

He laughs and you squeeze his hands encouragingly. "If I can make you love me even a fraction of how much I love you if I can make you even half as happy as you make me, then I'll consider it my greatest success in life."

"Ayansh... that was beautiful. You already make me so incredibly happy. I wake up every day with a smile on my face because of you. I don't feel stressed anymore because when I wake up in the morning, I know no matter what hardships life throws at me I'll make it through because you're by my side. I love you more than words can express. And gosh I don't even want to finish my vows because I just want them to pronounce us husband and wife so I can kiss you." Ayansh chuckles at that.

"Well without further ado then. Ayansh do you take Aria to be your wife?" Says the priest
"I do."

"And Aria do you take Ayansh to be your husband?"

"I do."

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. Ayansh you may kiss your bride. Go on you two." You practically leap onto him as you throw your arms around his neck and kiss him. You two get lost in each other, completely forgetting everyone else around you as you commit the feeling of his lips on yours to memory. When you finally pull away everyone is cheering and clapping, and you both have smiles so wide painted on your faces and it doesn't seem they are ever going to go away.

"I love you Ayansh Shekhawat."

"I love you too, Aria Shekhawat."


That was dreamy, wasn't it? 

Miss me y'all? I am sure you did. 

With this we are finishing another amazing story by the amazing @lilacxcosmos. Thankyou again. 

Keep showing support and love. And remember our doors are always open for you all in case you want to test your creativity. Your time and amazing ideas are all we ask. 

Till then, bye bye.

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