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c h a p t e r - 4

Vivaan's pov:

As soon as I heard what Ayansh did, I laughed. That's a thing only he would do. I knew we had a lot of explaining to do now that my brother had messed up but, I was more surprised to hear that Chachu knew about it.

"Vivaan, Divya," Chachu entered our room.

"Chachu, how are we going to clean up this mess," I asked

"Listen, just tell them everything. I promise you and Divya will get married today with everyone accepting Divya," He assured

"But what if something happens uncle," Divya asked

"Nothing will happen till I am here with you guys," Chachu smiled warmly.

Soon enough everyone, was in our room asking for an explanation. But Dad seemed oddly calm.
"Dad?" I spoke up

"Everything happens for a reason and, now I think we should marry Vivaan to Divya if that's what the kids want," He straight away spoke up. Astonishing everyone in the room.

"But what about Vivaan marrying Aria?" Aria's Badi Ma asked

"Shilpa, we need to handle the situation carefully. No need to add fuel to this fire," Aria's Bade Papa countered.

"What do you mean? Aria left without an explanation and, now What will people say in society? Didn't she care about our reputation?" Aria's Badi Ma exclaimed.

"She left a letter," Aria's Dad told.

"Please read it out," Chachi spoke obviously, worried about Ayansh and Aria.
Dear everyone,
I did it. I did the unthinkable. I did the unforgivable. I left today at the spur of the moment with my lover, who was my almost husband's brother. Trust me Vivaan knows about it and he is in another relationship.

There is no doubt in my mind that this is not simply a classic case of cold feet. I am sorry to admit that I have been living a lie all this time in making you all believe that I want to get married to Vivaan. I am doubly sorry for choosing this time to end this lie, under circumstances that will subject you all to much pain and embarrassment.
Yes, there is someone else. There has always been someone else but you. I am more in love with him. He is the one for me.

When I say now that you did nothing wrong and I am the only one to blame for this, it is not to patronize you. It is simply to say an obvious truth. I have no justification for running away from you all on our wedding day. At this very moment, I have no regrets about what I did. I have always been forgotten and neglected bu, this man, Ayansh, made me feel my worth. He was there with me through thick and thin and always whenever I needed him. Our promises are meant to be kept and I am keeping those promises of spending our life together, having a family, never leaving each other, and much more.

I know I should have said something earlier. I should not have allowed my indecisiveness to become such a public spectacle. You all will be facing the bewildered guests on your own while I cowardly run away to safety. With the person who makes me feel at home. Someday I hope you will find it in your heart to forgive me. I understand if it will take longer for that to happen. But I couldn't just lose Ayansh. I love him and will continue to do so until I take my last breath. Lastly, Vivaan and Divya. Hope you guys get married nicely with all the blessings.
Love, the always forgotten daughter,

Aria's dad finished reading with tears in his eyes.

"What now? She left with an all fake emotional letter," Aria's Badi Ma spoke up again.

"Enough," Chachi yelled.

"Enough is enough. Aria didn't run away with someone else. She ran away with her boyfriend.

She loves him and, he loves her. There is no denying in that after reading the letter. But most importantly, She ran away with my son," Chachi expressed.

"And I can assure you that he will take care of her," She whispered on the verge of tears.

"Alright, if Mahima Ji assures us, we should let this go," Aria's mom agreed.

"And, we don't have another choice too, of course, our relatives will ask if we cancel the wedding. It's better to marry Vivaan and Divya," Dad reasoned.

"This seems to be the only way now," Aria's Bade Papa agreed.

"Harsh, we have to do this. And even Aria is happy with Ayansh. I agree she has always let us make choices and decisions for her and always has followed us. Now it's time to give her the freedom she deserves," Aria's Bade Papa put his hand on Aria's Dad's shoulder.

"You are right bhai," Aria's dad agreed.

"Now it's final. Vivaan will marry Divya. And if Ayansh and Aria come back we will get them married too," Aria's dad asked everyone for the final approval. Everyone agreed.


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