Cales intuition

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"....."= people talking 

(.....)= peoples thoughts

*.....*=peoples actions

hello= what they are reacting to

-----------------------------------------------------Cale's resolve---------------------------------------------------------

Lilly-(that's a weird title)

'Why are there so many experts on this stupid land? This isn't the murim.'

Alberu-(that sure is an interesting start)

There were so many hermit experts here like in the murim. That was why Cale came to a conclusion.

Do not mess with just anybody.

An average looking chef could be a poison expert, and the person working in the repair shop could be someone who viciously killed people with his wires. This was that type of land.


A deep sigh came out of Cale's mouth. He had just completed his plan to prevent himself from dying and living peacefully.

Raon- "yes human you are weak"

Alberu-(he says that but he still ended up getting involved with many dangerous people.)

Cale-(wow, in the end I never took my own advice) *sigh*

choi han- "don't worry cale-nim I will get stronger and protect you."

Violan- "can we please move onto the next thing"

---------------------------------------------------------Cales insight -----------------------------------------------------

Beacrox. He was clean cut and was the son of the servant Ron. However, unlike his father, he specialized in the way of the sword and not assassinations. Beacrox was also obsessed with cleanliness and sharpened his spotless blade every day, using that same sword to slice the heads of his enemies off their bodies.

'...He also specializes in torture.'

Ron-" You knew before Choi Han even told you!!?"

everyone- (how did he know??)

Cale- (crap at first I wasn't worried but now that I think about it this could end up really bad) *Despite cales desperation he kept a stoic face like usual and didn't let his distress show.*

Y/N- "don't worry all your questions will be answered soon"

---------------------------------------------their first meeting-----------------------------------------------------------

Cale took a deep breath once he arrived at the calculated location.

Exactly 100 steps away from the city gate. It was a corner of the residential area so there wasn't any other light other than the torch the guards put on top of the wall, as well as the lights coming out of the residential windows.

But that was enough light. Cale slowly approached his destination after letting his eyes adjust to the dark.

'Just as I expected.'

He could see something curled up underneath the city wall. Actually, there were multiple things.

Delicate looking things that were shaking because of the cold. Cale continued to walk toward the location. He could hear the voices of the curled up lifeforms.

Meow Meeeeeow.

Two cats were meowing as they lay curled up underneath the city wall. Cale started to smile.

Choi Han- (wait isn't that)

on and hong- "thats us!!!"

'It's right here.'

He found the right spot. The moment Choi Han jumps over the wall, a baby kitten is body slammed by the alpha cat of the neighborhood and gets sent tumbling to the city wall. Choi Han quickly twists his body to avoid landing on the kitten.

Choi Han- "how did you know where to find me"

*Everyone started to get suspicious on how Cale knew these things*

Y/N- "alright now you will react to his ancient powers"

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