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Y/n Seoi'm not addicted, games are simplymuch better than human interaction

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Y/n Seo
i'm not addicted, games are simply
much better than human interaction.


How did it even end up like this? Your wish to graduate peacefully was disrupted, ever since you stepped foot into the school. That's right, this was your last week of middle school.

Next year, you were to move up to being a high-schooler but that was a problem for another day.

Right, in other people's eyes, you were simply what others titled as the pretty girl. That was all they saw in you. However, despite having what others perceived as a pretty face, no one bothered to befriend you, assuming you were already popular and already had friends. Spoiler alert, you don't.

Well, that was only one reason. The second reason, was probably because of how quiet you were, you mainly kept to yourself when you were in school. Some even assumed you were having problems at home. They hadn't bothered to approach you to know better about you, they simply assumed, spread rumours and admired that pretty face.

Whereas in reality, you had an amazing family. They love their one and only daughter and you love them back. That was it, no family problem in sight.

Your school life? Not so great. Classmates dared not to approach you. You had no friends, perceived as the pretty loner, but you payed no mind to it. As long as no one distracts you from getting into University of course.

You were bullied, been called names. Hell, even got your lunch money taken from you. All because they were jealous, because wherever you went, eyes seemed to constantly be on you. But you paid no mind to them. Sure their words may hurt you, but that was it.

'Bullies only want a reaction out of you, so just agree with what they say...' that was what you've always thought.

Everytime they'd call you names or ridiculed you, you'd only nod back or end their criticism with an "Of course." or a "Yeah I am...".

But this? This was too much. During this last week of school, you were simply paying no attention to your classmates, like the usual. The day at school went by peacefully...and by peacefully you meant being able to grind on the game you've been playing for the past month. Oh how satisfying that was.

However on your way home, you felt a hard tug on your hair. Not bothering to resist, you allowed whoever it was to pull you along...by your hair. And the next thing you knew, you were pushed against a wall, in an alleyway close by the school.

You looked up from your device for a moment, recognising your perpetrator. A girl with long flowing hair, her face like a beautiful porcelain doll. Arin Lee, she was your classmate. She was also the prettiest girl in your year. Yet, though many thought her face was pretty, her personality definitely wasn't as pretty.

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